As the holidays are upon us, like many others, I find myself pausing to reflect on the events of the past year. Not only what has happened in my life, but also in the lives of my family and my friends. There have been births and deaths, sickness and triathlons, weddings, separations, graduations, anniversaries, jobs lost and new careers found, moves all over this country (and out of this country) and lots of laughter, tears, stress and love.
This fall found me transforming into a full time yoga teacher rather than continuing to run myself ragged working in an office full time and teaching almost every night and weekend. Transforming from the "frazzled yoga teacher" to the broke, but blissed out yoga teacher who actually gets to practice yoga herself!
This fall also found my family coming together as my father underwent quintuple bypass surgery and my friends enveloping me with love and support as my dog, George, underwent surgery to remove his cancerous tumors.
Two difficult things back to back. If these things had occurred earlier in the year, I can't say how I would have reacted. I was definitely flying off the handle more back then, just a few months earlier. No matter how hard it was, I felt a calm during the sadness, concern and stress that I felt during those weeks. Don't get me wrong, I was upset, but it felt different. I do firmly believe that it was getting my own yoga practice back during that time that really helped me get through it.
My father is doing great and well, George, he has another tumor that has already grown back in, but I know that I can handle that and take care of him.
Yoga means union. Really it is your union with the Divine, whatever you believe the Divine to be. I'm not a particularly religious person. Yes, yoga has made me tap more into my spiritual side, but when it comes to organized religion, I am not really a "believer". My spiritual journey is definitely still growing and I may never figure it out what I truly, deep in my heart believe.
I may not know yet what my Divine is, but I do know that I believe there is something out there bigger than myself...than all of us. I know that yoga has gotten me closer to figuring it out. I also know that in all of those good times and hard times this year, somehow I still feel bliss. I feel so blessed for all of the people that are in my life. You are all amazing.
I wish you all happiness and health in this great celebration called life. Enjoy this time spent with your family, friends and fellow man. Hear their laughter, feel the warmth of their hearts. Have a wonderful holiday.
Shanti Om~Marcia
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