Day 351 Intention ~ Get the Holiday Spirit
Interestingly enough, after yesterday's post and voicing out loud that I had the holiday blues, I almost immediately started to perk back up. I took the dog for a walk and went to start the old holiday shopping. It was as if I purged a little bit.
Today, I feel like a different person. I am ready to tackle this holiday madness and get in the spirit. Really, I feel the spirit of giving and love, peace, joy and happiness all year round. It's just this time of year when spending money that I don't necessarily have to spend that I can get a little bit down. But, it's once a year. It will be okay and it's not like I go too too nuts anyhow.
It's not really about the gift giving anyhow as we all know. It's about spending time with loved ones. No matter what you believe...for some it's about Jesus, for others, it's not. Most importantly, get together with people and spread some joy and peace. Laugh, love, and let's just enjoy some time one.
Til tomorrow...
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