Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 59 Intention ~ Withdraw the Senses

Day 59 Intention ~ Withdraw the Senses

Withdraw the senses for just a few moments. In yoga it is called pratyahara. When we cover our eyes, plug our ears and nose, and try not to taste or feel, we can go inward. Our mind can clear and allow us to look at that inner self a little bit more. Discover what is going on inside rather than in the material world. 

We are constantly bombarded with outside stimuli. The television, radio, cars driving by, other people, animals, work, computers, email, telephones, eating, drinking, smells and on and on and on; allowing ourselves to remove our senses from these distractions can feel like taking a bath for our mind and our soul. Doing some inner cleansing so that we can personally and spiritually go deeper. 

It is also great for the rest of your day. It makes your material decisions and thoughts more coherent, your behavior calmer and more pleasant and your heart may just feel more open too. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 Intention ~ Release Tension in My Shoulders

Day 58 Intention ~ Release Some Tension in My Shoulders

Tension. We all feel it at different times in our lives. How we feel it and how we deal with it are individual. Some of us get angry and snappy to those around us, some of us drop out of situations (not dealing with it), some of us overeat, some can't sleep, the list goes on and on....

Where we hold it in our bodies also differs from person to person. Back pain, tight hips and tense shoulders and necks are common areas to let our tensions reside. 

For me, it's a struggle between sleep, grinding my teeth during sleep and tight shoulders. Today, is one of those days. Between due dates, my tax appointment this evening and my laundry list of things to get done, my body and unconscious mind are reacting. During the day, I feel like my cheery, go with the flow self, but the last couple nights, the grinding teeth and tossing and turning have told a completely different story. So with my shoulders jacked up to my ears, today's intention may seem simple, but believe me, it will make a huge difference in my body and my mindset. Huge difference. 

Some of my favorite shoulder openers include: 
  • Gomukhasana arms (cow-face pose)~ as pictured above, lifting one arm overhead and bringing the heel of the hand to the back of the neck, with the other arm behind you, try to clasp fingers. You can also use a blanket, strap, or just grab your shirt to get a grip. Try to draw the lifted bicep in towards the ear and bring the shoulder blades together. Switch sides.
  • Binding in poses~ students who have taken my class, know that I love to bind the arms. Whether it is in extended side angle, bird of paradise or a seated posture, bringing the arm behind the back and letting the chest and shoulder open, is a fantastic way to get that area to release some tension and open. Students moan sometimes during the binding, but almost always say how much better their shoulders and chest feel afterwards. 
  • Crossing the arms on the floor~ I actually don't know the name of this pose, but it was recently introduced to me by one of my favorite teachers, and it is now one of my favorite poses. Laying on the floor on the stomach, cross your arms, trying to walk the hands as far apart from each other as you can. The palms face down and you will feel the shoulder blades separate, allowing that middle upper back open. Rest your chin on your upper arm, or wherever it will rest when you practice and breathe. You can hold this for 3 to 5 minutes or as long as you like, but be sure to switch sides and hold it evenly on each side, so that you are balanced. 
There are many more amazing shoulder openers out there, but these are just of few of my favorites. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57 Intention ~ Get Motivated

Day 57 Intention~ Get Motivated

Well, I should say, get motivated again! The day started out highly motivated. I woke up and went spinning at 6 a.m. It's true! After that, I felt like I could conquer the day. After my morning class, a nice respite on the couch with the dog felt more appropriate. 

I finally forced myself to the computer to work on my writing assignments. In an hour or so, I have to go sub a class. I don't even feel like moving. It's rainy and windy and I am cozy with my blanket. 

One of those days...I know once I am there and out the door, it will all be fine, but this lack of motivation almost depresses me a bit. I try to just listen to my body. Maybe I need to have a lazy day and relax a little bit...or, maybe I'm just lazy! 

Either way, I still need to motivate to get out of the house and teach class in a little bit. 

Wish me luck! 

Til tomorrow. 



Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56 Intention ~ (Re)Freshen Up

Day 56 Intention ~ (Re)Freshen Up

I know it's only February, but the sun is out and it's a little bit warmer today, so it makes me think of Spring. Which makes me think of Spring cleaning and just finding a refreshing lift by switching things up in my life. So, today, I've been working on some new classes to start up and organizing and cleaning up some of my winter messes and blahs. 

People tend to think of themselves as starting anew in January, with the new year and resolutions. I like to think of Spring as more of the new year, when the sun comes up earlier in the day, plants start to bud and come back to life. People even start to come out of their winter hibernation mode and "pop" back to life. 

When Spring starts, it's a great time to look back at the resolutions made in January. What has stuck? What hasn't? What new changes or additions do you want to try now? Change things up a little bit. Perhaps try a new yoga class with a new teacher or at a different time than you are used to or a new activity of some sort. Try a new fruit or vegetable that you have never cooked with could become your new favorite. It just may recharge you and help you to (re)freshen up also!

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55 Intention ~ Release Some of that Fire

Day 55 Intention ~ Release Some of that Fire

I was just reading about the manipura chakra, the navel or solar plexus chakra, and discovered that one of the characteristics if it is excessive is perfectionism. Looking back to how I have been feeling lately and this new type-A trait that I've been displaying, I think my 3rd chakra is out of whack. Over the past few months, I have been a little obsessive about core work in my yoga practice. All of this core work has had positive effects on my physical practice, but now, I think it's time to cool it off a bit for my mental practice. 

What to do? Well, if you find that you are feeling anger, stress or perfectionism taking over your life, you may have too much fire in the belly also. Try some nice gentle backbends to release some of that fire. A restorative bridge either on a block or bolster should do the trick. Hold it for several minutes or if on a block, do a few rounds. 

This can go the other way too, if you are feeling a lack of motivation or feeling insecure, or perhaps you are having some digestive issues (another thing this chakra governs), you may be lacking in this chakra. Working the core in navasana (boat pose) or performing some twists to stimulate the digestive system can help you regain some energy and confidence. 

So, I'm off to get a hold of my manipura chakra...til a more relaxed tomorrow....



Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54 Intention ~ Don't Over Think It

Day 54 Intention ~ Don't Over Think It

Just do it. Sometimes when I get a little anxious about something, I completely psych myself out and then 1. I completely blow it because I'm nervous or 2. it all goes fine and I was upset over nothing. 

So, this morning, when going to sub for my amazing teacher, I started to psych myself out, thinking that people will be disappointed she wasn't there. I put myself through this every time I sub for her and it's exhausting. So, when that anxiety started to hit me this morning, I stopped, took a breath and had a little chat with myself. Stop thinking about it and go do it. It's 75 minutes of this long life and not worth the stress. I already had a class ready to teach and the reality is, I know what I am doing! 

So, I got to the studio and people were all friendly and everything went great. Once again, stressing for nothing. So, from here on out (hopefully!), don't over think it and just go for it! 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53 Intention ~ Give Myself A Break

Day 53 Intention ~ Give Myself A Break

I am not what you would call a Type A personality...not at all. But, it seems these days, I have become more of a perfectionist and always feel like I should be getting stuff done. And, well, it better be done right. 

In my yoga classes, I am always encouraging my students to accept where they are that day because each time one comes to the mat, it's a different experience, so drop any expectations. Not easy for a type A perfectionist, you can see them huff and puff to get into a position that they aren't necessarily ready to do. Not letting that go may be holding that person back from really getting it. 

Same thing off the mat. I make these lists for myself and huff and puff and stress myself out if they don't get done. Let it go. 
Of course things need to get done, but if quality suffers, what's the point? Just to mark a line through a "to do" list?

So, perhaps I am becoming more Type A, that's okay I guess. But, for this Friday, I am giving myself a break.

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52 Intention ~ Get Organized

Day 52 Intention ~ Get Organized

Yogash Chittah Vritti Nirodah ~ Yoga happens when the mind chatter ceases. 

Well, for me, that means, getting things organized in my physical and mental universe. If things are messy around the house or bills are stacked up (that I've been avoiding), I have a hard time getting anything else done. Not only, do I not get work done, but the tendency is the worse it is, the less likely I am to do it. 

We have a spot on our kitchen counter, right when you walk in the side door, that everything gets piled on...and ignored. It is my least favorite place in the house. This morning, I cleared it out. Ahhhhh, then I came up here and started working. 

Trying to help un-clutter the mind helps even when we just clear up the clutter around us. Making a list and prioritizing how and what order things need to get done. This makes me feel less scattered and then I can sink in, breathe, meditate, practice yoga, and even have some fun. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 51 Intention ~ To Smile at the People I Meet

Day 51 Intention ~ To Smile at the People I Meet Today

Pretty simple and pretty easy to do. My goal today is to just smile and be friendly to those I meet up with today. It could just make someone's day, who knows! It may cause a chain reaction of people smiling and being courteous and friendly to one another. Isn't that a nice way to live! 

In my yoga classes, I try to smile and laugh and put people at ease, so they feel more relaxed and calm and usually more willing to try poses they may not have been willing to try. Today was no different. I have a student who used to practice all the time, but has recently discovered that she has rheumatoid arthritis and things that she used to do, are much more difficult now, if she can even do them. But, she smiles and breathes and does what she can. I applaud her for that, and I am glad that she feels at ease in my class to know that that is okay. 

I even tried this smiling at the BMV today. And guess what, the woman behind the counter helping me, at first, wasn't looking at me, but then she yawned, and I smiled and cracked a joke. From then on out, she was as attentive and friendly as can be. Interesting. 

I am going to keep this going for the rest of the day, and try to do it everyday. We are all connected, so why not give a warm smile to someone who may look like they need it. You may just make their day! 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50 Intention ~ Take a Sentimental Journey

Day 50 Intention ~ Take a Sentimental Journey

Well, here's the truth, in yoga we are often talking about being present, live in the now, don't hang on to the past, etc, etc, etc. BUT, let's be honest, we're human and we reflect and that's okay. So long as we don't dwell and we continue to grow. 

I've been thinking a lot about the past lately. I have been working part-time for some of my friends and I remember sitting in a room with them discussing the name of the company...I think it was 15 years ago?!?! To see how far they've come, it amazes me. I even think to last February, I had only been teaching full-time for 6 months, and even now, a year later, it is so much different...I can't even imagine what is to come. It's very exciting! 

Time flies and it's nice to think back on things and remember wonderful things and not so wonderful events, but see how you've come out of it. What you learned, how you grew, and how you (hopefully) didn't make the same mistakes over and over. 

I am getting sentimental, which always happens this time of year for me, because my birthday is nearby, so it's always a time for reflection. I reflect with love and gratitude for everyone in my life, past, present, and future. This person was at every P-Funk show I was ever at...until last Friday, and wondering where she was, my friends let me know today, it's because she passed away last spring. I must have been living under a rock, but I thank you, Belita Woods for touching my life too. 

Here she is doing one of my favorites from her:

Til tomorrow...



Day 49 Intention - Embrace Monday

Day 49 Intention - Embrace Monday!

And, boy, was it one...hence, I am just getting this entered on Tuesday evening. My computer was freezing every time I went online yesterday. I tried to blog from my so-called smartphone, but, alas, it would shut down when I started to blog. Ugh. 

Monday battles: 
  • discovered that a rate increase that my credit card pulled on me is actually legal and allowed when I was certain they were breaking the new-ish credit card act that passed a couple years back 
  • the computer freeze started 
  • a friend told me about the vegan bakery at Nature's Bin, so I made a trip (this is not a bad thing), so craving sweet delights, I drove over there between classes in a nearby neighborhood. Some punk kid (yes, I'm waving my cane as I type), chucked some sort of fleshy, I'm assuming rotting, produce at my windshield ~ side note, I am also assuming it was some young kid, which is still leaving a streak
  • no one came to my last class

Ahhhh Monday! But, you've got to just roll with it, right? On the plus side, it's nice to know my credit card isn't screwing me over (well, this time anyhow), I didn't really have to do anything on the computer yesterday, aka no writing assignments due, I got my vegan sweet treats and I do think it's my karma from my teenage years when I will admit, I egged a car or two and luckily I had gone to Julie Kirkpatrick's class last weekend (sister to David Life, co-founder of Jivamukti yoga) who talked about one person showing up for her class, so I've learned to accept low attendance, so long as it isn't permanent! And, I got to go home to my family earlier than expected, so that's always a treat. 

So, there you have it. A day late, but these are the things I was thinking of yesterday, so til...a few moments from now, when I type up today's intention! 



Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48 Intention ~ Enjoy Being Home

Day 48 Intention ~ To Enjoy Being Home

I have been watching a friend's all week. As of an hour ago, I am officially off duty and happy to get back to my husband, my dog and my cat. Don't get me wrong, I love those animals that I was watching, but I'm just ready to chill at my own house, in my own space, with my own. 

Even though I have seen my family all week and been home here and there, it still feels like I've been gone. So, definitely appreciating my home and my family now that I am back. A break can be good, so that you can appreciate what you have when you return. 

So, now, I am going to go sit by the fire and talk with my husband. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47 Intention ~ Have Some "Me" Time

Day 47 Intention ~ Have Some "Me" Time

Well, sort of...I am watching my friends pets and house while they are out of town. It's been a busy week with writing assignments, yoga classes and trekking back and forth across town taking care of my friend's animals and my family too. This is my last night at my friend's house for the week, which has been fun. I've gottent to hang out with friends that live on this side of town and I've gotten a lot of work done. 

But, tonight, it's snowing outside, the animals are all content and I am just going to do things that I want to do in a relaxed way. It is so important to reconnect with yourself regularly. Me time is different than being by yourself. I am by myself a lot in life, but I am always working on something. Me time, is letting myself relax, read a book (maybe a book not associated with yoga-ha ha ha), watch a movie that I would like, but know my husband wouldn't want to see, meditate, do a little yoga, and just plain relax. Get a good night's sleep and rejuvenate for tomorrow and the rest of the week. 

Happy Saturday night to all, whatever you do. I am going to snuggle in and enjoy.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46 Intention ~ Go Have Fun!

Day 46 Intention ~ Go Have Fun

You heard me. It's Friday, happy hour time and my friends should be here in about 30 minutes to go out and have some fun. It's been a looooooong week and it's time to let my hair down. 

This is going to be short and sweet, but keeping balance in one's life includes going out and having some fun! 

Enjoy your weekend everybody! 

Til tomorrow...hopefully the intention will not be a moderation reminder! 



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 Intention ~ To Lead With a Pure Heart

Day 45 Intention ~ To Lead With A Pure Heart

Happy Valentine's Day! In honor of that, although, it is important to do this everyday, today especially, I am going to lead with a pure heart. 
In the yoga sutras, sutra II:41 reads, 

Sattvasuddhi Saumanasyaikagryen Driyajayatmadarsana Yogyatvani Ca.

This translates to, "Moreover, one gains purity of sattva, cheerfulness of mind, one-pointedness, mastery over the senses, and fitness for Self-realization."
In regards to this sutra, Swami Satchidananda says, "First you understand the body, then the heart is purified as well. When the heart is pure, you are always happy...Just be pure in thought, word, and deed." He says if we practice this purity for even just one day, we will feel the reward and hopefully will be encouraged to practice it again and again. 

So, today, I am going to lead with a pure heart and mind and hope that you will too. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44 Intention ~ Take Things As They Come

Day 44 Intention ~ Take Things As They Come

Just in the nick of's been one of those days. So, hence, today's intention. Many of us have those days where things just don't run smoothly. It is just how it goes sometimes and that was how today was for me too. 

I did try to write this earlier, but my home computer was freezing up. Now I am back to where I am house-sitting and quickly getting this in before we reach day 45! 

Flow with the wind. It's the best thing we can do. Some of those days can get very frustrating, but if we just laugh at it and let things roll off our backs, it will just make your day better rather than worse. Learning to accept what is going on around you can be tough and it's easy to fall into that "why me?!?" attitude, but that just makes you feel like a victim and those around you roll their eyes. Therefore, let's laugh at life and enjoy. 

Happy early (by 1 hour) Valentine's Day! Let's spread lots of love tomorrow...and everyday! 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43 Intention ~ To Find Focus

Day 43 Intention ~ To Find Focus

Okay, this may sound like finding stillness like yesterday, but it's different. It's one of those multi-tasking days over here and quite frankly, I need to focus on one thing at a time or else I feel frazzled. Not really in an attempt at meditation, just in a way to get things done. 

In a yogic sense, finding focus is called dharana, the sixth limb in the 8 limbs of yoga, the fixation of the mind. It is a tool to help us actually start to find that single-pointed focus of the mind. You keep focusing on one thing, whether it is a mantra, counting the breath, or staring at the flame of a candle. Trying to bring your focus back to this until the mind becomes steady. Once we gain that single-pointedness, we are one step closer to actually meditating. Believe me, it takes a long time. Many of us will never even get there. But, we keep trying and we do find that we can gain more focus in our day because of practice. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42 Intention ~ Be Still

Day 42 Intention ~ Be Still

When looking back on the last month, things have been very busy, physically & mentally. Finding that calmness even when the winds are blowing wildly around you can be difficult. The breath and meditation always help to ease an uproarious mind and bring one back to steadiness. When we find this balance, it makes those around us also feel more grounded. 
Practicing yoga poses that make us feel grounded can help bring stillness to the body and mind also. They can help to bring balance back to the muladhara "root" chakra. This chakra represents our survival instincts and when it is balanced, it helps us feel grounded and calm. Focusing on the lower body, rooting and stretching the feet and opening the hamstrings or stretching and strengthening the thighs can help us feel more powerful in our base. Forward folds, mountain pose, warrior poses can help us feel strong while seated poses like cobbler's pose, and other seated forward folds or child's pose can help us reconnect to the Earth. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41 Intention ~ To Let Go

Day 41 Intention ~ To Let Go

For those of you that read yesterday's intention, yes, I was a little bit upset. It happens. I don't usually like to bring it out to everyone, but I feel very strongly about how others treat others in general, and especially within the yoga community. Practicing ahimsa is one of the first things we are taught to practice in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and practicing it towards one another just seems like a no-brainer. 

But, it is a new day, and it is time to let go of my negative emotions from yesterday. I feel very lucky to have gotten to practice with advanced Jivamukti teacher, Julie Kirkpatrick, today. There was a gentleness to her teaching, although a Jivamukti asana practice is a rigorous practice, and we all moved and breathed together as one. The energy in the room was lovely and supportive. It felt like home. I felt reaffirmed in my practice and of how yogis behave towards one another. I also realized it was time to let go of my emotions from the day before and move forward. Each exhale allowed more release, each inhale, I felt myself expand towards new life and new energy. As I laid in savasana, I felt release and relief. Carrying around those heavy, angry emotions is exhausting. As we breathed in, we mentally said, "let", as we exhaled, we mentally said, "go". As we practiced this over and over, I could feel a lightness take a hold of me and I felt like myself again. 
"Let Go." If you ever find yourself obsessing over something in a negative way or if you are just feeling a little bit stressed and you can't find release, I suggest you try this technique. It can lead you into a nice meditation. Inhale "let", exhale "go". 

Til tomorrow...

Shanti & Namaste, 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40 Intention ~ To Support People Around Me

Day 40 Intention ~ To Support Those Around Me

I believe that we are all one. We should support each other. Especially those in the yoga community. Isn't that the community we are supposed to be building? The satsang? Don't we want the same things? 

I like to think that yoga, meaning to yoke, to join, a union, that my practice & that my community and how I behave in that community is a supportive environment. One that creates a positive place for us all to discover our inner Selves, practice and find that connection between us. For are we not all one on this universe? Everything we do effects  each other and the universe around us. 

Too much lately I feel like I have seen the opposite. Yoga teachers and studio owners not treating people right because they are trying to keep up with the (yoga) joneses or obsessed with the almighty dollar. Believe me, I understand having to make things work out, trying to make a living, but when you sacrifice your treatment of others to make a buck, I think it's time to reassess why you got into the yoga business to begin with. 

I have always been better at supporting fellow teachers rather than myself because I do think it's a community. I encourage my students to try all sorts of classes and all sorts of teachers because I want them to experience all different types of styles/teachings and really find what will work for them and their practice. So, even when someone is concerned that I only have 5 people in my class, I will still support my yoga community & hope that my intention to teach to all no matter if there are 50 people or 2 people will always hold true. I don't ever want to sell out who I am as a teacher just to make a buck (or two). 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39 Intention ~ Stop Messing Around

Day 39 Intention ~ Stop Messing Around!

You heard me! (I'm talking to myself.) I am falling into that procrastinating lazy state when I have a looooooooong list of "to do's" today. On a cold, snowy February day (and Friday for that matter), motivation is slowly floating out the window. Not possible today. There is still one class to teach, four articles to write and a meeting this evening. 

There is no time to waste. 

On that note...til tomorrow!



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38 Intention ~ Wag More, Bark Less

Day 38 Intention ~ Wag More, Bark Less

Pretty self-explanatory I think. But, yes, my goal is to be more like my dog. He's always happy to see me, will take a walk in any weather with exuberance, takes a nap when he needs one, will protect those he loves and can't hide who he is...ever. 
I aim to be so true all the time & real all the time. To treat others like they are the most important person on the planet.

Don't get me wrong, I know he's a dog and his biggest concern is his next treat. But he is also so full of love and that is a wonderful thing in another being. If we could all be so open to love each other. 

So today is my ode to George. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 Intention ~ Give Thanks

Day 37 Intention ~ Give Thanks

I am thankful for many things in my life. I love my work, my family, my friends, my dog, laughter, yoga, the delicious vegan soup a friend gave me today, The Rolling name it. Often when it's not around Thanksgiving or the holidays anymore, we forget to appreciate and give thanks for everything in our lives and for this magnificent world. 

So today, I invite you to pause with me & give thanks for all the good (and even the bad-we learn from those things, right?!) that are in our lives. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36 Intention ~ Be Okay Asking for Help

Day 36 Intention ~ Be okay asking for help. 

If you've been reading these intentions, you may have noticed a theme of, well, stress in my posts. It is true. As much as I talk about letting go and being strong and letting the universe unfold as it may, I am still susceptible to stress. But today, I sucked up my ego and asked for help. I had been thinking about a deadline that I have for days now, worrying about my experts not coming through. Today I finally broke down and let my editor know that I wouldn't be ready. "We can extend the deadline.", she said. Poof! That stress was a feeling of least for now. 

It's amazing what people will put themselves through before just asking for some help. Tucking the ego in and asking for help can be hard for a lot of us, who are taught to be strong, get the job done, and on and on. But, asking for help does not make you weak. It makes you human. Next time you feel yourself pushing yourself to the limit and not getting anywhere, just ask for some help. You may find it's the biggest push you can get. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 Intention ~ Stay Strong

Day 35 Intention ~ Stay Strong

These days, we all have several things on our plates. Whether it's working 2 jobs, volunteering, taking care of kids and a household, and all of the other chores and responsibilities that are part of our everyday life. And, just as life goes, sometimes we are just busier than other times. Or, perhaps we're not actually busier, but we just seem to have less energy for all of our activities than we have had on other days. 
Just remember to stay strong, this feeling will pass. But, if for some reason it continues for days or weeks...or even longer, it's time to look at some habits. Are you working out? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you taking time for yourself for pleasure? Regardless of how busy you are, if you don't take time to go to a yoga class, the gym or take a walk, meditate, eat right and sleep enough, you will feel run down. You may even make yourself sick. Having some down time to enjoy life with your spouse or see friends or maybe just watch a movie by yourself are so important in helping us feel more balanced and less ragged to work on all of our, 
Life is best lived in a balanced way. It will be much more pleasurable for not only you, but for everyone in your life and those you come in contact with each day. 

Stay strong my friends! 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34 Intention ~ Stop Worrying

Day 34 Intention ~ Stop Worrying

Yep, it's that simple. I have a writing assignment due and none of my experts are getting back to me. It stresses me out wondering if I will be able to fulfill this assignment or not....

But, worrying does no good. If I just let go, things usually fall into place. The universe has a funny way of working like that. Walk away for a bit. Do other things, breathe, practice yoga, just let go. Keep the faith that things will work out as they are supposed to, which is hard when you are stuck waiting. But, that is when the practice sets in. This is that "off the mat" yoga practice. How do you handle stressful situations? Do you freak out, do you calmly deal with the task at hand or do you just walk away, not dealing with it at all? The breathe is one of our greatest tools for calming all the mind chatter that goes on. When you feel stressed take 10 long deep breaths & you will feel calmer by the end of them. 

That's what I am going to go do right now! :)

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33 Intention ~ Stay Motivated

Day 33 Intention ~ Stay motivated.

It is a cold, snowy day in Cleveland. The perfect day to snuggle up to the fire and watch a movie or read a book...and it's the weekend. Well, weekends don't necessarily mean a day off for me anyhow, and with writing assignments looming and "experts" for those articles not getting back to me, I must trudge forward and keep working at least a little bit. 

If you read last Sunday's post, then you know how much I love Sunday! Therefore, best to do this stuff now...the reward will be when I can hit up some friends Superbowl parties tomorrow night and not feel like I should be working. 

On that note, this one is short. No rest for the weary :)

Til tomorrow...



Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32 Intention ~ Take My Time, I Will Get When It's Time

Day 32 Intention ~ Take my time, I will get there when it's time.

This can be applied to many yoga practice, my career, my enlightenment, even my drive to Berea in the snow. Friends that have known me for a long time know that rushing is not something that I like to do. Whether it is to get out of the house in the morning or to get into a yoga pose that I find challenging. When I was younger, I would sometimes feel little less accomplished because I wasn't working in a career that I necessarily wanted to be in, or I wasn't with my life partner yet when my friends all had seemed to find that love already. Whatever it was that came up, I hadn't figured out what it was that I needed and wanted from this life and it made me feel insecure. 

Nowadays, I feel like I am finally doing what I want to do, but am still unsure of what direction it will end up. That's okay. I have realized that my slow & steady pace is what works for me. I am working in the field I want to be in, I have found that love that I want to share a life with, and I can finally (after many years), at least lift up into a forearm stand albeit still armed with a strap & a block...that is okay. 

I know that I quote my African proverbs calendar a lot on this blog, but it's kind of going along with my life, sending me little reminders, and today is no exception. It's a Ugandan proverb that reads, "The long, sure way will take you to your destination." Perfect. I can't wait to see what is going to happen when I arrive.

Til tomorrow...

