Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 181 Intention ~ Create Some Space

Day 181 Intention ~ Create Some Space

Last night I was trying to figure out what I wanted to teach this morning in a yoga basics class. I was at a loss. My husband and I were sitting out on the patio and I suddenly got the urge to start trimming and pulling the tremendous amount of weeds and other offspring of our trees and plants that had sprouted. As I cut and pulled, it just seemed like the plants now had more room to breathe and to grow.

I started to think about this with the yoga practice. We have to create space in the body to open up. Once we open the lungs, we can breathe a little deeper and create more space. Once we create space and length in the spine, we can reach our toes or reach a little bit higher into the sky. Once we let go of all of the nonsense or unnecessary concerns or worries in our minds, we can release and give not only our mind some space, but our hearts can open again. 

As I stopped trying to force a theme for class, it opened up to me. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 180 Intention ~ Put Myself In Another's Shoes

Day 180 Intention ~ Put Myself In Another's Shoes

Today marks the 16th class that I have taught since Monday. Exhausting to say the least. When I get to this point, the energy level starts to drop and rarely, but it can happen, I lose patience. 

As I dragged myself to class today, a new student was waiting for me at the door. She had many questions for me as I was trying to get her and myself set up with waivers, sign-in sheets, the pass book, and on and on. I could feel myself tensing up as I just needed about 2 minutes to get it together. And, luckily, realizing what was happening, I caught myself. I pulled the grumpy out of me and visualized myself in her shoes. I became empathetic to her concerns and needs rather than self-absorbed and childishly curt because I didn't get my pre-class "zen" time. It was her fault that I was running a few minutes behind my usual routine or that I had stayed up too late last night. 

The times that I have done this in the past throughout life, I always feel badly about it and beat myself up, feeling like a complete jerk. So, I am glad that I could stop it before I spoke today & saved any hurt feelings and possibly gained a new student from the situation.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 179 Intention ~ Listen To My Own Advice

Day 179 Intention ~ Listen To My Own Advice

So, one of the things I tell newer yoga teachers when they ask me about teaching is don't judge a student and how they are feeling by the look on their face. 

When we are asking people to twist and bend and move their bodies in all sorts of directions, people make some pretty funny faces. Whenever I used to see a student who was new to my class making strange faces or looking at me during class or sighing heavily, I would decide that they just hated me, hated my class and couldn't wait to get the heck out of there. 

More than once, actually several times, these folks would be the ones who came up to me after class and tell me how much they liked it or be very thankful for teaching them. 

Yet, flash to this morning. Granted, I have taught a lot of classes so far this week at this point (13 actually with 4 more to go) and this was a last minute addition, making the week's total 18! (BTW, this will NOT be happening anytime soon again.)  So, that being said, I was already a little loopy and tired and possibly misreading people because of my own weariness. But, one woman kept looking at me and doing the deep sigh and I felt like she was just hating the class, upset that I was there subbing and again, couldn't wait to get the heck out of there. Now, in this case, she did not come up to me afterwards and thank me or any of that stuff, but I can't believe I started building this scenario in my head. It then changes how I am teaching and effects the class. 

Why??? Why did I not listen to my own advice??? 

Anyhow, later I realized I was being silly. Not every teacher is for every student. And not every stare is a glare. Not every sigh is disgust. 

Now, to move on and continue with this crazy week...

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 178 Intention ~ Relax In The Midst Of It All

Day 178 Intention ~ Relax in the midst of it all...

Today is a busy busy day for me, but with a break between the (yikes!) five classes that I am teaching today, I have found a chance to get back into teaching mode and not tired burned out mode. It's great to find little chances to take even a 5 minute break at times and allow your mind to let go of all the daily grind and concern that tends to make us wrinkle our faces, drink more coffee and stress out. 

Try this exercise next time you need a little break:

Sit in a comfortable seated position. It can be crossed legged or sitting on your heels. You can also use a blanket or block to get a little lift so that you don't dump down into your lower back. *This can even be done at your desk if getting away is not an option. 

Close your eyes. Relax your shoulders. Still sit up nice and tall. Rest your dominant hand in your less dominant hand and place them in your lap with your thumbs gently touching. 

Start to breathe in and out through the nose. Just the natural breath at first, just letting the body feel ease on the inhale and letting outside thoughts or stress flow out with the exhale. 

Start a mantra. Inhale, say to yourself, "relax" or "let". Exhale, say to yourself, "relax" or "go". If you have a mantra that puts you at ease besides relax or let go, feel free to use it. 

Once you feel more calm. Come back to the rest of your day. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 177 Intention ~ Keep Counting The Blessings

Day 177 Intention ~ Keep Counting the Blessings...

It is always good to look at the things in life that are positive and good. Whether it is something personal or more universal. 
Today, I continue to count the blessings for having such a wonderful husband, dog, cat, family & so many wonderful friends. I am thankful that I get to do what I love to do for a living. I am thankful to have a home I love with food on the table and that we get to go have so much fun in this life. 

I am thankful for the downfall of DOMA today too so that others can share in some of the happiness and feel support in their equality in this life. 

We have this life (and maybe some more- ha ha) to be the best person we can be and live in love, harmony, peace and respect for all other living things. Let's not take these things for granted. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 176 Intention ~ Celebrate Love

Day 176 Intention ~ Celebrate Love

Happy Anniversary to my husband & me! It's been 8 years of wedded mostly bliss, but sometimes sadness, stress, anger, change, hard times, but mostly laughter and always love. 
It's been 8 years of marriage, but we've been together for 11 years and friends for 22 years, so I am so grateful for my sweet husband and so so happy that we finally got our act together. 

Today, let's celebrate love! All kinds, for all people. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 175 Intention ~ Put One Foot In Front Of The Other...

Day 175 Intention ~ Put one foot in front of the other...

Thinking about this week could overwhelm me, but just going step by step, I think will be the best way to go. 
With writing assignments and *gasp* 17 classes to teach, my uncle passing away, my wedding anniversary tomorrow, and trying to get things together for our vacation next week, yep, my head may fly off my body at some point. 

In an attempt to not get stressed about these things, I have decided to just put one foot in front of the other and only take one step at a time. Find organization and lots of breathing and meditation to help it all come together without me freaking out! 

At this point, my emotions are only allowing me to do one thing at a time anyhow, so it's a good lesson and start to this week. 

Pacing oneself and focusing on just one thing, gives us all a little more piece and peace of mind when we are busy and it just allows us to remain more calm. Stopping every once in awhile when you are stressed at work or at home and just taking 10 nice deep breaths can help change your perspective. 

That is all for this Monday! 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 174 Intention ~ Remember Uncle Warren

Day 174 Intention ~ Remember Uncle Warren

I just found out that my Uncle Warren passed away a few days ago. Besides my father, he was the last of that generation of Ghyzels still alive. 

When I was young my parents always had an open house on Christmas eve and my aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends would come over to celebrate. I LOVED this get together. My Uncle Warren always joked around with me & taught me how to make his beverage of choice. VO was involved, and yes, it was the '70s. :) He also would joke that he wanted to marry all of the Charlie's Angels and me being young & naive didn't get the joke, but I was obsessed with the angels, so thought that was a pretty cool idea. Of course, later I realized what he meant, but I still didn't hold that against him because I just adored him. 

There were 4 Ghyzel boys and one Ghyzel girl in that generation: Frank, Ken, Warren, Nell & my father, Wes. They were always laughing whenever they were all together and those are some of my favorite moments...just being around that much love and enjoyment of each other. 

It's strange to think that I have no more uncles living, but I thank them all (and all of my aunts that have passed on) for always being so loving and full of life & laughter. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 173 Intention ~ Celebrate Life!

Day 173 Intention ~ Celebrate Life!

Today is one of those days where I had plans from a.m. through p.m. (Just making a quick pit stop to get this out.)
I won't lie, although each individual thing sounded fun, all in one day, to me, sounded like too much! I was kind of dreading it, but about to head to my last stop, today has been a barrel of fun! So, I am celebrating each moment & life! 

Enjoy your Saturday night! 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 172 Intention ~ Find Joy & Gratitude

Day 172 Intention ~ Find Joy & Gratitude

It's easy to fall into the trap of negativity. But, with a little conscious effort, we can all find joy & gratitude for the things we have (or don't have) in this life. 

Today is the first day of summer, the beginning of a new season and a time to chill in the warm sun or cool off in cool water, to watch as our gardens grow and skip through the green grass in our bare feet. 

Let the sun give you energy and light. Let it bring you positive thoughts and burn away the negative ones. Let it help you find a relaxed mind and laughter with loved ones. Let it help you find joy & gratitude in the simple things in life. Maybe it's as simple as slowing down and breathing in the summer breeze. 

Whatever joy is in your world, as big or as small as you like, bring it to mind today and be thankful for it, not only today, but everyday. When we can remind ourselves of the positive things, the negative things tend to dim. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 171 Intention ~ Accept My Practice

Day 171 Intention ~ Accept My Practice

A.k.a., lose the ego. I just went to a class with a teacher that I have never gone to before for a demo class at one of the studios where I teach. As we moved through the poses, I felt super tight and my quads just felt tired. 

I noticed that as I was struggling, my mind started to wander and I started to get frustrated with my own practice. I would draw back into the breath and find a little recovery from my own mind. 

Then, just as soon as I found a little santosha,  I tried to enter bird of paradise (which I love!) and suddenly the burrito I ate for lunch earlier decided that my core was not ready to contract and lift, I fell back into that land of frustration again. 

What is going on?? Why is my ego taking over today in class?? Do I not constantly remind my students to be accepting of your practice that day??!! 

As I once again noticed my thought patterns and brought myself back into the breath, I finally felt a little bit of calm. I felt a little bit of peace within my own mind. I found a little bit of yoga. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 170 Intention ~ Start Today Fresh

Day 170 Intention ~ Start Today Fresh

Part of being present is starting each day fresh. We get a chance to start over every single day of our lives, so the choice is ours to have a good day or wallow in the past or get anxious about the future. It's so much easier to just choose now. 

Yesterday I was feeling down and out of sorts and just a little bit grumpy. But this morning, everything seemed new and exciting and I found gratitude again. To have so much in this life to be thankful for and not take for granted is so so important. 

So, maybe today hasn't been your day so far. If you can't turn it around for yourself right now, just remember to hit the "refresh" button on your mind when you wake up tomorrow. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 169 Intention ~ Let It Pass

Day 169 Intention ~ Let It Pass

I have been so spacey and tired the last couple of days. Maybe it's the summer sun, maybe it's not. Working a lot I'm sure is part of it, but it's not like my days are full on 8 straight hours with a 30 minute lunch break, but I have been working every single day. 

I usually go to bed 30 minutes to an hour before my husband, so I can read & well, just plain get a little quiet time as I drift off into dreamland. The past few days, John has been coming upstairs with mean and turning the t.v. on. This usually completely ruins my ability to fall asleep, but not the past few days. My head hits the pillow and I am out. 
In the mornings, I want to keep hitting the snooze button and continue sleeping. It's not as if I am not getting enough sleep, I get 7-8 hours a least. 

So, I am not sure what this sluggishness is the past few days, or this spaciness, or just plain laziness, but for now, I am going to let it go and hopefully it'll pass. If not, then I will worry a little. 

For now, where's that rajas when I need it?!?! 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 168 Intention ~ Stand For Something

Day 168 Intention ~ Stand For Something

Back to my old African proverbs calendar today...I know you all have missed it! 

"If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything." 
Not sure exactly what country that is from, but it stirs up some thoughts. What do I stand for? What do I do to fight for what I stand for? Is it working? 

Of course I have many things that I believe in and stand for, but am I actively protecting and fighting for these things...meh. Not really. Sure, I sign online petitions and sometimes send money to the Cleveland APL or ASPCA and eat vegan and recycle and try to leave less of a carbon footprint. But, when it comes to marching for GMO labeling or going to any meetings of any sort, I suddenly have no time. 

It's not that I think that actually changing your habits and lifestyle don't count as legitimate ways of supporting an idea or doing what I can, but why do I cringe at the idea of doing more? 

For a long time, I have wanted to put on a class to benefit the animals at the Cleveland APL. Perhaps today's African proverb was just the kick in the pants I needed to get it organized. 

Whatever it is you believe in, stand up for it, work for it and live your life true to what you believe. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 167 Intention ~ Give My Dad A Little Love

(In Portland, Maine summer 2011)

Day 167 Intention ~ Give My Dad A Little Love

Happy Father's Day to all of the dad's out there. Just like many little girls, yep, I think that mine is the best. Even as an adult I think so. Just one of those genuine, hard-working, honest, laid back guys that did (and does) what he needs for his family and lives how he feels it is right. My dad is that guy who always mowed the older people in the neighborhood's lawn or shoveled their driveway in the snow. Even now at almost 84, he tends the lawn at his church. 
He worked 2 jobs when my brothers and I were growing up to make ends meet. He was a fireman for 40 years and on the side, he installed electric garage doors. He always grows a beautiful garden and just plain knows how to do stuff. 

As a kid, it seemed like he was always at work, but when he was around, he was always working outside or taking care of things around the house for us. 

As an adult, I love to talk to him about football and baseball, gardening, and whatever's on his mind. We joke around a lot. We laugh a lot. Even today, when I talked to him, we mostly laughed and talked about our upcoming trip to Virginia with my whole family. 

This fall it'll be 3 years since he had a quintuple bypass, but he is doing great and I am so blessed and lucky to still have him around. 

Happy Father's Day to my dad, thank you for everything. 

I love you. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 166 Intention ~ Make My Hubby Some Cookies

Day 166 Intention ~ Make My Hubby Some Cookies

Okay, yes, and me too! I accidentally peeked at tomorrow's African proverbs calendar and it says, "Food from the people you love is healing." It's a Sudanese proverb and I agree. Not that he needs healing, but who knows! 

I found a vegan ginger cookie recipe online at that he (and I) really like, so I figured I would give him a little love whether he needs healing or not, and bake him some cookies that we both can enjoy. 

If you want to share the love, here is the recipe: 

4 tablespoons sugar (turbinado works well)
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 tablespoons ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves (ground)
1/2 cup canola oil
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup soymilk (I use almond milk & it works just fine)
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix dry ingredients together except for the sugar and set aside. 
In a large bowl, mix the wet ingredients with the sugar until it is blended.
Stir in the dry ingredients and mix well.
Roll the dough into little balls (1 TBSP) and flatten as much as you like.
Press coarse sugar into the top and bake on a greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. 

That's it! Enjoy! 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 165 Intention ~ Start a Summer Learning Series

Day 165 Intention ~ Start a Summer Learning Series

I have been thinking about my 500 hour training so much lately, but can't afford it. I have this desire and hunger to delve deeper into my yoga knowledge and practice that it feels almost uncontrollable. In lieu of my finances, I have decided to start a summer learning series...with myself! This is the perfect time of year to start this as classes tend to slow down while people are vacationing and/or enjoying other outdoor activities. 

To do this, I am going to go through several of my yoga books with a fine toothed comb & advance my knowledge. Starting with anatomy books, and moving into the more philosophical. If I study for at least one hour a day, I feel as if I will quench some of this thirst. This will also make my own practice and my teaching better.

Meanwhile, I will save my money and perhaps get to start my 500 hour training sometime next year. I hope so! 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 164 Intention ~ Be More Present

Day 164 Intention ~ Be More Present

In this day, in this moment, in this life. Just as I am finally coming out of my weary traveling nonstop oh poor me attitude, I start to think about how I would feel better about not only my yoga classes, but of other things in my life if I just became present. That, of course - thank you yoga, is when I stumble upon Max Strom's facebook post about being present. 

The common state of the ego-mind is that it almost never wants to be in the same place the body is. “Anywhere but here,” that’s its motto. Again, this is the reason we don’t remember most of our life, because we weren’t truly present. The ego-mind is very tricky, very cunning; it avoids being present and still. Watch how when you’re extremely busy and distracted it will tell you, “I can’t be still and peaceful now, there’s too much to do. I’ll be calm when things have quieted down.” Then when you get into a
peaceful situation, the ego will complain, “I can’t stay present here, this is boring,” and off it goes into the future, or to revisit past memories. Perhaps while practicing yoga, you’ll find yourself in a posture thinking about your upcoming dinner, and then later you’ll be at this dinner,
and you’ll be discussing your yoga class with your friends. “Anywhere but here . . .”
~ Max Strom (from A Life Worth Breathing)

Thank you Max. No matter how many times a day, in pretty 

much every class that I teach, I have to remind students to 

let go of outside thoughts and concerns. Just today, a 

student went into a child's pose instead of going into the left 

side of a sequence. When I went over to make sure she was

okay, she said she was just distracted. When we go on our

mat, no matter how stressful our lives are, we need to allow

that time to be ours and ours alone. Be present on the mat. 

It will bring more presence into your whole day and your 

whole life. 

Til tomorrow...



*I apologize for the different formatting on this post, but once I added Max's quote, I couldn't get the formatting back to normal!!*

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 163 Intention ~ Suck It Up

Day 163 Intention ~ Suck It Up

Yep, that's my own personal pep talk for today. Although I get to work for myself and do what I love to make a living, some days, frankly, I am tired and a bit unmotivated. Today happens to be one of those days. But, with two classes to go to sub in 90 minutes, it's time to rally my brain and emotions into finding some perk & passion for these classes tonight. 

It is usually just getting myself out the door that is toughest and then once in the situation, it's all fine. It's really just mind over matter at this point. I am sure many people go through this on a daily basis for a variety of things, so the reality is, I am lucky that this doesn't happen all the time. 

The step to changing one's mind is, well, consciously deciding to change one's mind and attitude on the topic. Maybe that means doing an inversion of some sort like a handstand or headstand, or taking some deep breaths to get there, but you find what works and you go for it. 

So, wish me luck! And I hope that you are able to enjoy whatever it is you have to do today...namaste.

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 162 Intention ~ Get Back Into the Routine

Day 162 Intention ~ Get Back Into The Routine

Ahhh summertime, it seems that every weekend there is somewhere to go or someone coming to town. This past weekend was a little combo of that. My mother in-law came to town, then we went out of town for a family wedding and then all came back and then visited for another couple of days. 

Now, I am ready to get back to my usual routine. As much as it is fun to see family and loved ones and relax or explore new cities and places, it's exhausting. 

Suddenly, I am ready to just work and chill out! Who knew?!?!

So, til tomorrow...



Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 161 Intention ~ Enjoy Mamacita

Day 161 Intention ~ Enjoy Mamacita

Mamacita is what John & I call his mom. She has been visiting since Thursday for the wedding. Today is her last day here in Cleveland before heading back to Colorado, so I want to make the most of it. 

She is a fun, interesting lady. We have good conversations and read tarot cards and stuff like that. We don't get to see her that often, so it's special when she gets to visit or we get to head back to Colorado to visit. 

Family and loved ones are so important in our lives. We must appreciate and enjoy them while they are here with us and not wait til it's too late. I don't mean to sound morbid, and believe me, mamacita is not knocking on death's door or anything like that. I am just trying to be present and appreciative and remind myself to enjoy time spent with any of our loved ones each time. It truly is a blessing to be enjoyed. 

On that note...til tomorrow...



Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 160 Intention ~ Do Something New

Day 160 Intention ~ Do Something New

Lately, I feel like I've been a little more tamasic than sattvic or even rajasic. So, yes, a little bit of a funk. Not long funks, but they pop up more frequently than I like. I think that part of that is not switching up my routine. Always doing the same things and longing for something new and different. 

Granted, I was just out of town for 2 days in a relatively new place, meeting new people. But, to bring excitement back to Cleveland for me, I am going to do something new & different today. Not sure what, but something. 

Maybe a bike ride to somewhere different or head off to a place I've never been (I hear the botanical gardens are lovely & I've never seen them), I don't know, but something to shake it up. 

We'll see what today unfolds...

Til tomorrow.



Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 159 Intention ~ Think About Union

Day 159 Intention ~ Think About Union

Yoga means union, connection. Being at a wedding last night made me think that all of these people here, whether they realize it or not, are practicing yoga. 

Sure, the couple is forming their own little union, but the family is also welcoming new members into their family and gathering as "one" to celebrate this marriage. 

I have only met a few of the members of this family and some of them only once, at my own wedding, but yet, they consider me part of their family. I am connected to them no matter whether I have seen them or even spoke to them over the years. 

We are all connected. It's like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon, if you took each person in every family and kept spanning outward, there would somehow be a connection to every single person on the planet. It's crazy to think about. Connection. 

I am connected to you, you are connected to me. We are one. Yoga is happening. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 158 Intention ~ Celebrate Love

Day 158 Intention ~ Celebrate Love

I am in love with love! It's true. Seeing people care for one another, whether it's romantic or just in a humankind sort of way, it always warms my heart.

Today, I am off to Indiana for a family wedding. This wedding is family on my husband's side. Two people marrying that I have never met, but I am excited to celebrate their love this evening and see others celebrate love. 

Life is full of so many cycles and although we try to make the best of each situation, when we get the chance to really enjoy a milestone and celebrate, we should open ourselves and our hearts to that! 

So today, I celebrate love & am going to try to share an open heart with all that I meet.

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 157 Intention ~ Find Some Quiet

Day 157 Intention ~ Find Some Quiet

Today a new schedule started. Four classes right in a row starting at 8 a.m. Then, a haircut (I only go every 6 months-and well, it's been 7), finish cleaning the house, finish some work, pack, and then my mother in-law arrives. 

Luckily, I have a few moments to myself to gather my head, quiet my mind and prepare for a weekend full of new (to me) family, a wedding, visitors and yoga classes. These few moments will help me get through the craziness in one piece. 

I am going to sit quietly and breathe, focusing on my 3rd eye. Find calm and quiet...for now.

Til tomorrow...

