Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 365 Intention ~ Bid 2013 Adieu

Day 365 Intention ~ Bid 2013 Adieu

It has been quite a year! It flew by so quickly. There were laughs, tears, moments of clarity, moments of confusion, doubt, self-questioning. There were also many adventures by car, plane & ship. I have sadly lost a few family and friends, but have also made new friends.

The cycle of time and life.

We take the good with the bad and try to just keep going on no matter what's happening around us.

Cheers to you all and farewell 2013.

Here's to an even more wonderful 2014.




Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 364 Intention ~ Explore New Ground

Day 364 Intention ~ Explore New Ground

Road trip! Not really the words expected in winter...from Cleveland, but that's how it is this year. Off for a new years adventure in Chicago. I have only driven through Chicago,  and never gotten the chance to explore and experience this city.

Seems like a great way to finish & start a new year. I hope that it is a foreshadowing to the upcoming year~ lots of adventure, exploring of new places, physically & on my inner journey.

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 363 Intention ~ Check Back

Day 363 Intention ~ Check Back
We are drawing very close to the end of the year.
How are you feeling about it? If you look back at the resolutions or let's just call them goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of 2013, do you feel satisfied with how they have come along?
Looking back to January 1st, I decided not to set resolutions, but instead to set intentions each day. One of those intentions for the year was to write about them each day, right here on this blog to share with you. That has been a success (although one day I did miss the midnight deadline by I think 30 minutes or so-not too bad for 365 days!)
Other things that I wanted to do were to practice asana, meditation and pranayama everyday this year. I know teaching yoga doesn't really count, so no, I haven't practiced these everyday, but pretty darn close. And yes, I do count days when it was a shortened 20 minute practice. The pranayama beyond ujjayi breath during the physical practice needs to be done more...as does the meditation. But, I was much more disciplined with my physical practice.
Lastly, I took on a vegan diet this year. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The most difficult times have been going out to eat, but I have gotten that down to a routine now when I do go out and lately, during the holidays, it has been a struggle. I have found myself giving in to gatherings with people and eating some dairy here and there. I'll tell you what, I can feel it! I feel sluggish and heavy after the holidays and am looking forward to getting back to a normal routine. So, all in all, it was a positive experience. I felt so much happier and peaceful with myself and my choices. I wanted to try it for a year to see how it was and frankly, I can't imagine going back.
As for 2014, the intentions will keep coming, but perhaps not publicly.
Mainly, I want to remember to be present and enjoy this life and those in it while I am here.
Til tomorrow...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 362 Intention ~ Stop Comparing

Day 362 Intention ~ Stop Comparing

Keeping up with the Joneses, it's the American way. From the car we drive to our home or even our yoga pants, we compare ourselves to our neighbors, family, friends, sometimes the person on the mat next to us.

With all of this comparing, how can we ever keep up? There will always be someone richer, prettier, with fancier clothes and an a wheel pose that looks like one of the arches in St. Louis.

In time, over the years, I have let go of comparing my practice to others. The more recent struggle has been while taking class. I have a tendency to compare the teachers teaching to my own. Unfortunately, no matter how great I think their class is, with all of this comparing, I am not present for class.

Today, while in a wonderful class, I caught this comparing starting up. Luckily, I realized it & told myself to let go of it so that I could get the most out of the class. Once I let go of it, instead of losing self-confidence in my own teaching, I found inspiration from this teacher.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 361 Intention ~ Get Reinspired

Day 361 Intention ~ Get Reinspired
I suffer from end-of-the-year-itus right now. I am excited that I have only three more classes in 2013. There is this thought in my head that come next Thursday when I am back to teaching, that everything will be new again just at the turn of a calendar page.
Why wait?!
Well, much to my surprise, instead of leaving 2013 feeling burned out and wanting to just hole up and hide for a month, I am already feeling renewed.
How did this happen?
Well, inspiration can come in the simplest ways. I needed to drive my husband to work this morning because his car is in the shop. I don't have class til later this afternoon, so I decided to watch a yoga documentary this morning. As I listened to different yoga masters talk about yoga, I started to feel that spark inside again. I started to realize that yoga is so important, not only for me but for millions of people. It is such a healing and growth tool. It is simply transformational and amazing.
Once the film was finished, I took George for a walk. As we walked through the snowy streets, I felt inspiration. Just being outside in the fresh air with a being who is so present there is no ignoring it.
I came home and started to write notes for an article that I have been struggling with conceptually for a long time now. I rolled out my mat and am warming up my little yoga room as I type this, and again, I am awed by the life I get to live and create and connect in.
Til tomorrow...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 360 Intention ~ Find Routine

Day 360 Intention ~ Find Routine

Back to work today. It felt like it was 3 a.m. when the alarm went off this morning. My mind was in a fog, my body felt slow, sluggish...and full.

Ahhh, holiday family time. We seem to be eating every 20 minutes, rich foods that my body isn't used too. Long car rides and a lack of yoga quickly tightened my whole body up.

Today, it is back to salads, teaching & practicing yoga.

As tight and bloated we can get over the holidays or any time we are out of our normal routine, it really does not take that long to get back to our healthy selves. Get on your mat and practice. The longer you wait, the harder it will be.

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 359 Intention ~ Enjoy Time With Family

Day 359 Intention ~ Enjoy Time With My Family

It's the holidays. I know it sounds cliche, but the thing that makes me happiest is to see my family and get some time with them. We are all spread out these days and rarely are we all in the same place at the same time (this year included), so it's nice to catch up with whoever I can.

My nieces & nephews are changing and growing up so fast that it's hard to keep up. My father will be 85 in 2014, so I know it really means a lot to him when we are all (or some) there.

So, as we drive back to Ohio to work tomorrow, I am so glad to have been able to live, share, laugh & love with my original satsang!

I wish you all the merriest and hope that you got to spend the holidays with your loved ones.

Namaste til tomorrow...



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 358 Intention ~ Have Safe Travels

Day 358 Intention ~ Have Safe Travels
As we pack up to head to my parents for the holiday, I wish all of you safe travels on the road, whether it is by car, by plane, or people are headed to you this holiday.
Weather this time of year between Cleveland and Rochester, New York is iffy at best. As many wish for a white Christmas, I prefer not to drive in a big snowy mess. As I started packing the car, the snow started falling and hasn't stopped.
I will look forward to pulling in at my parents and warming up with some laughter, love and family for the holiday.
Again, I wish you all safe travels and if you celebrate this holiday, have a wonderful one.
Til tomorrow...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 357 Intention ~ See Old Friends

Day 357 Intention ~ See Old Friends
It's a couple of days before Christmas and all through Cleveland, people were packing parking lots and driving like maniacs to pick up last minute gifts for the holidays. They were checking their phones (doesn't have to be a holiday for that) and distracted by their thoughts so much that they were cutting each other off and getting into accidents and honking their horns.
Happy holidays.
I drove down to Kent this morning to see some old friends that live in California now. It was my only chance to see them this holiday season, so I trekked down there even if it was for only 90 minutes. I will take what I can get. Seeing friends and family during the holidays is more important to me than anything else. So, I do what I can.
As I drove to and from, the cars were driving erratically and cutting each other off, not signaling or not turning their signals off long past switching lanes. The exit at Chagrin was backed up all the way to the highway. As people pulled up next to me, everyone looked so unhappy.
I couldn't help asking myself, why do we put ourselves through it each year!?!
So, in defiance of this holiday stress, I chose to remain calm in my vehicle and know that I would eventually move again. I would get home. And, I am still happy I drove all that way to see old friends for a few moments today.
A friend of mine has a bath towel in her bathroom that reads, "Friends are the best presents." Last weekend when we were all over at her house for a holiday gathering, we busted her chops a little bit on that towel and had a good laugh. But, today, when I think about it, it's true.
Til tomorrow...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 356 Intention ~ Teach My Class

Day 356 Intention ~ Teach My Class

This morning I subbed a yoga basics class. I have a lot of respect for the regular teacher of this class and think she is a great teacher. I find teaching basics harder than other classes, so I like to sub this class to keep me on my game.

I teach this class differently than the regular teacher, but if I tried to teach just like her, it wouldn't feel natural. Although most of the students have actually been practicing for years, it is still a basics class.

At this point, I know most of these students & I think they enjoy having a different teacher from time to time. I hope so anyhow.

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 355 Intention ~ A Shout Out

Day 355 Intention ~ A Shout Out

It's hard to believe that there are only 10 more days this year! Today I want to send out a shout out to all of my yoga students that I am lucky enough to teach. You are all so unique, talented, smart, funny & beautiful. Everytime I have the pleasure of having you on your mat in my class, I learn something from you. And, let's face it, without you, I wouldn't be able to do this personal dream job for a living.

So, thank you.

Happy Holidays & I look forward to serving you in 2014!

Til tomorrow...namaste



Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 354 Intention ~ Soften

Day 354 Intention ~ Soften

With the holidays upon us and lots of classes to be subbed, I have found myself feeling burned out and tense. My shoulders have gotten tighter & tighter over the last week making me feel hard as a rock. That is physically speaking.

Between money woes and holiday stress, my mind and emotional state has also hardened. There has been a minor pity party going on for myself the last few days making me unmotivated and uninspired in my "normal" life & in my classes.

Today, I have tried to lighten up a bit. As soon as I changed my mindset, my shoulders started to soften...then my heart.

What happened after that? Well, everything got a little bit brighter and better.

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 353 Intention ~ Keep On Moving

Day 353 Intention ~ Keep On Moving
Today is one of those crazy days. I am teaching 6 classes. Not a normal day...and not necessarily a good idea if looking to keep one's sanity. :)
So, today's motto or mantra is to keep on moving. I fear if I sit and rest, I will then lose all energy and not make it back out of the house! With four down & two to go, I am on the flip side of it, but these are also the two classes that I am struggling the most with as far as motivation is concerned.
When I worked a regular desk job, I always found that if it was a busy day, then I seemed to get more done than if it were a light workday. Same is true now. Even with house work or "to do" lists. If I have nothing to do, then I really do nothing. But, the busier I am, not only do I get more done, but I am much more motivated.
So, keep on moving...especially this crazy time of year. It may just help you "do it all"!
Til tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 352 Intention ~ Name Three Positive Things

Day 352 Intention ~ Name Three Positive Things
Reflection. It's that time of year. Some of us beat ourselves up because we thought we'd be so much further along at this point. To where, I'm not sure, but further....Some of us start to compare our lives to others and think that we don't measure up without taking into consideration that we have food on the table, we have a place to live, we have friends, family...etc.
It's easy to fall into these traps. But, what if you named three positive things that happened to you this past year? Surely, that can't be bad. It may even spark other good things...and your mood. Then, looking back, the year was a positive after all.
Til tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 351 Intention ~ Get The Holiday Spirit

Day 351 Intention ~ Get the Holiday Spirit
Interestingly enough, after yesterday's post and voicing out loud that I had the holiday blues, I almost immediately started to perk back up. I took the dog for a walk and went to start the old holiday shopping. It was as if I purged a little bit.
Today, I feel like a different person. I am ready to tackle this holiday madness and get in the spirit. Really, I feel the spirit of giving and love, peace, joy and happiness all year round. It's just this time of year when spending money that I don't necessarily have to spend that I can get a little bit down. But, it's once a year. It will be okay and it's not like I go too too nuts anyhow.
It's not really about the gift giving anyhow as we all know. It's about spending time with loved ones. No matter what you believe...for some it's about Jesus, for others, it's not. Most importantly, get together with people and spread some joy and peace. Laugh, love, and let's just enjoy some time together...as one.
Til tomorrow...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 350 Intention ~ Accept the Ups & Downs

Day 350 Intention ~ Accept the Ups & Downs
Perhaps it's the holiday blues (or stress surrounding the holidays) or too much holiday cheer being injested, but this time of year tends to catch me in a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute, I love the ambiance created by the fire, Christmas lights and snow outside, the next moment, I am distraught over the money needed not only to pay my bills, but to buy gifts for all of my loved ones without breaking the bank.
Ups and downs. This time of year also creates reflection. It's normal and natural. I start questioning my choices wondering if I will ever stack up to the vision I have of how I am supposed to be at this age. I also wonder if I will ever be satisfied with that in years to come. So it goes. It's almost like a holiday ritual.
In reality, we need these up and downs to appreciate the good times. We move in cycles. Our being is made up of three doshas according to Ayurveda: vata, pitta & kapha. Very basically, when we have too much vata we tend to feel "windy", flighty, and hard to focus...ungrounded. Pitta is unbalanced when we feel firey...angry, hot headed, etc. And an unbalanced kapha creates laziness, sluggishness and even weight gain.
When balanced, these doshas are wonderful. They help us be creative and motivated, we find our way to be great leaders with a calm, serene spirit. We need each of these to balance the others out. When we feel ungrounded, we need the kapha influence to bring us back to Earth a bit, to slow us down. When we feel lazy, we need that vata wind to motivate us.
But, there are the cycles. They aren't always the same and there is no set time frame for how long you may be feeling more lazy or windy. Once you notice it, if you start to take steps to balance, it should even out more quickly. This cycle right now for me is definitely more of a kapha laziness, depressed cycle and now that I realize it, I accept it, but am searching for what will bring me out of it. Not sure what just yet, but hopefully this cycle is short lived.
Although, it could be considered a bit depressing, knowing that it is normal actually helps.
Til tomorrow...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 349 Intention ~ Feel Lucky

Day 349 Intention ~ Feel Lucky

This weekend was chock full of gatherings. Every gathering was filled with friendly folks...old friends and new. I am feeling lucky to have these folks in my life, whether they are just passing through or if I have known them for 20 years.

I get by with a little help....

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 348 Intention ~ Compromise

Day 348 Intention ~ Compromise
It can't be my way all the time.
Not in a marriage. Not in a friendship. Not in life.
Ebbs and flows. Good and bad. Ups and downs.
It's fine.
Sometimes I get so caught up in what and how I think things should go or be, that I forget to consider what others may think about it. I am recognizing that fact today since I wasn't recognizing it yesterday. It's funny how something can become so clear that seemed so distorted just a day earlier.
When there is just one tunnel vision and bull headedness along with that vision, it's difficult to move forward. It's hard to open up to other visions, insights, ideas and each other.

Free your mind...sometimes with a compromise.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 347 Intention ~ Watch My Thoughts

Day 347 Intention ~ Watch My Thoughts
Sometimes we may not say negative things out loud for the sake of another's feelings and for various reasons. We are taught that if we don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all as children. It doesn't always take things being said out loud for us to feel hurt. When we think negatively about others and ourselves, we are not following the yogic moral code of ahimsa or non-harming.
I beat myself up all the time in my head about silly little things. I get frustrated by people's behaviors and rather than tell them, I think negatively about that behavior and so on. This can be just as harmful as saying them out loud.
Think positively. Think with an open mind and an open heart. I'm not saying be blind to things, but don't put a negative twist on everything either. Negativity breeds negativity. And guess what, positive thinking breeds, well, positive thinking.
Sure, a little less harm could be done by not saying something mean or negative to someone, but thinking it, one can usually sense it anyhow. Don't feed it.
Til tomorrow...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 346 Intention ~ Let Love Rule

Day 346 Intention ~ Let Love Rule
This week I have been working on the anahata chakra, a.k.a. the heart chakra in my classes. This can involve backbending and chest opening that can make people feel vulnerable. Some of us guard our hearts so intently that once we try to open that area, it is a challenge.
Usually when this class is going on, people have such contorted faces and make noises to assure me of their discontent in attempting these positions. After a little while, as they start to warm up and even start to open up, things tend to settle down. People tend to quiet except for their breath. When the class is over, there is a new vibrant energy about the room and even many smiles.
When we can get the chest opening and that heart area opening, balancing the heart chakra, we start to find some space...for love. Not just self-love, but a love for others. A sense of community starts to form. We can start to see ourselves in each others hearts and vice-versa.
So ham, I am that. I am that I am.
Namaste, the divine in me sees and honors the divine in you.
Let love rule.
Til tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 345 Intention ~ Keep Learning

Day 345 Intention ~ Keep Learning

There is so much going on in this world, in this life, that there is no reason to not keep learning through it all. It keeps life exciting and new and helps us from becoming stagnant. 

Besides, nobody likes a know it all anyhow!

In yoga, I am still always learning. I have been teaching for just about 4 years now, and practiced for years longer than that, but yet, I still learn something every class I take. It may not be about a pose, but often, it's something about myself. How I react to certain movements, what it brings out in my body and my mind...and, yes, no day is ever exactly the same. 

When I was in teacher training, I remember it being said at one point that as soon as you think you know it all, you know nothing. I have always tried to keep that in mind as I teach and as I take class. I think it's a great mantra for beyond the class too. 

As soon as we think we know everything, we start to close ourselves off in a way. We aren't open to new ideas, we are definitely never wrong and we slowly become all about the ego again. I, me, mine. We forget that we are all living and breathing as one, it may appear we are living separate existences, and from certain angles we are, but in the grand scope of the universe and life, we are all part of the same beating energy and breath. What I do effects you and vice versa and on and on. So, let's try to keep open. 

Breathe deep, lift your chest and your heart and open your arms to the universe and all it has to offer. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 344 Intention ~ Support

Day 344 Intention ~ Support
We get so caught up in our own little worlds, don't we?
It's easy to forget that there are others that just a kind word or an ear to listen, or just plain giving support is all they need.
Especially with all of the holiday gatherings and shopping, etc. that we are supposedly doing for others, we can forget to actually be present with the others when we are right in front of them.
So, today, my intention should be to be present and give support. The hubby has had a rough day and needs to get it off his chest.
Til tomorrow...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 343 Intention ~ Adapt

Day 343 Intention ~ Adapt

Okay, a.k.a. work with what you got.

The internet is out at my house. Luckily these days there are smartphones to do many things (like type a blog).

Learning to adapt to the situation can be a practice in and of itself.

How do you react when things don't go as planned?

Do you get angry and upset or go with the flow?

It's interesting to look back on how I used to respond to these types of situations.  I would get huffy & upset. Nowadays,  do long as my yoga practice has been steady, I can take a step back before reacting negatively.  Chances are that the world isn't against me as I once suspected.

Next time you find yourself flying off the handle because something doesn't go as planned,  check yourself. Take a step back & breathe. Try ujjayi, victorious breath, by constricting the glottis and breathing in and out through the nose. 

It may just save you from saying something you don't mean and you will feel better regardless.

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 342 Intention ~ Keep Resting

Day 342 Intention ~ Keep Resting

Although I have been on the mend & feeling a little bit more human, I am taking it easy one more day to rest. I think that a normal response to feeling trapped inside for over 24 hours is cabin fever no matter how tired and weak someone feels.

Today, I have been feeling a little stir crazy (there's only so many movies one can watch a day), but also still feel run down.  Better safe than sorry. Enjoy one more lazy day and get back to business tomorrow.

Til then...



Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 341 Intention ~ Lay Low

Day 341 Intention ~ Lay Low

I have the whole weekend off! We don't even have plans.  I've been feeling like I have been burning the candle at both ends lately, so I welcome a weekend to just lay low and stay in. Sleep, relax, read, walk tge dog, watch movies & hang with the hubby.

I am also limiting social media this weekend in an attempt to really "turn off" the outside world.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 340 Intention ~ Take a breath...or several

Day 340 Intention ~ Take a breath...or several

Long, slow breaths are so healthy for us. They help the heart rate go down, can lower blood pressure and calm the nervous system. This can allow us to sleep better and yes, calm the mind. 

Today I will be teaching people how to breathe. I still get a little nervous (good nervous) going into situations with people I've never met, and leading a group. I think that is normal, and believe me, in middle & high school, even most of college, the idea of talking in front of the group would give me heart palpitations that could be heard in China. So, I feel like I have grown in that respect. Ironically, practicing the same thing I am going to teach these folks today will allow me to be calm when teaching them!

Lots of it is yoga, lots of it is learning how to breathe. 

Let's go over just a simple breath that you can take with you if you are ever feeling stressed whether at work, driving, at home or if you can sleep. 

Ujjayi breath, which means victorious breath, starts by sitting or standing up, nice and tall. (If you can't sleep, you can still do this laying down, but be sure you are laying on your back.) Lift the pelvic floor and let the shoulders draw back and down, the chest will lift. The head and neck are in line with the spine with the top of the head drawing up toward the sky. 
Start to breathe in and out through your nose. Find a constriction in the back of the throat in the glottis. With the mouth closed, start to pull the air from the throat although you are still breathing in and out from the nose. The breath will become audible. Some compare it to the ocean, some compare it to Darth Vader, but just know, you will be able to hear it. It does take practice though. Feel your body open and expand with the breath in and contract with the breath out. Practice 10- 40 rounds of this breath. You can even count the breath in and out, trying to find the same count or trying to find a longer count for the exhale. 

Happy breathing!

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 339 Intention ~ Plan Ahead

Day 339 Intention ~ Plan Ahead

I am not one to map everything out in my life or world. I admittedly get a little lazy about it and fly by the seat of my pants at times. 

Tomorrow I am leading a wellness day for a community group that I have been very excited about. Sure, I've known about it for months. Sure, I've had an idea of what I have wanted to do since learning of this event. And, no, not til this afternoon, did I type it all out and get it together. 

What's funny is that the past two nights I have dreamt of this event and me leading it and, well, it all going well. But, the fact that I am dreaming about it lets me know that I am actually concerned about it more than I consciously feel like I am. 

So, even with my vague outline in my head, today, I planned this event. I typed it all out & am ready to roll with it come tomorrow. 

And guess what? I feel more relaxed now. 

A Malian proverb from today's African proverbs calendar reads, "Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones."  So, perhaps this outline and plan for me are the "little" things, but to someone who reaps its benefits tomorrow, it could be considered great. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 338 Intention ~ Hang In There

Day 338 Intention ~ Hang In There

Still getting over a cold. Luckily, I had the past two days mostly off...one class Monday evening. Today, I have 3 throughout the day and I have to admit, I feel tired and spacey. I am trying to keep strong and energetic and motivated, but it's not really happening. 

Hanging in there, doing my best. That is all I can do. 

I hope that you all are doing well on this Wednesday afternoon. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 337 Intention ~ Root Down

Day 337 Intention ~ Root Down

Holiday season is upon us. Many of us not only feel rushed in shopping, travel plans, work parties, friends parties, making cookies, decorating and overall holiday plans, but can also feel money stress, emotional distress and as if you could slide out from under your feet at any moment. 

What happened to all is calm, all is bright???

It happens to most of us...me too. 

So, this week for my yoga classes and my own practice, I am focusing on the root chakra, the muladhara chakra, and the sacral, svadhisthana, chakra,  in an effort to stay grounded and emotionally stable this holiday season. 

The root chakra is at the base of the spine and covers our basic survival needs. Makes sense that it is called the root chakra, since when it is open and balanced, it protects us from feeling flighty and insecure. It's color is red, so wearing that color or focusing on that color is one simple way to start calming the uneasiness. Another way is to chant it's bija (seed) mantra, LAM. Exercises that can help are poses that root you down to the Earth. Really focusing on the feet and on your steady base. Mountain pose, tree pose, warrior poses with nice strong legs and bridge pose, where you not only root through the feet, but also in the shoulders, the backs of the arms and really feel the strength of the legs work in this pose. 

The sacral chakra is located from the lower abs to the navel and is not only related to sexual behavior, but also emotional connections, the ability to "let go" and how to keep balance in our relationships, emotions and life. You've probably heard a yoga teacher say that the emotions are stored in the hips. Well, at the end of the year, it's natural to start reassessing one's life and the year that has just passed. It can make us sentimental. It can make us long for past years or for something we don't quite have yet. Either way, hip opening poses are great for finding balance in the sacral chakra. Cow face pose, standing warriors, lunges, fire log pose, happy baby, bound angle...there are a lot. You may feel an emotional release if you are new to these poses that is unexpected. I have seen and have myself cried in classes focusing on hip openers. It's really quite amazing. If doing poses isn't your thing, focus on the color orange or chant the mantra VAM and see if that makes you feel balanced. 

The reality is, we function best when all of our chakras are clear, so doing poses and practices that help keep all of the energy channels flowing is the best idea. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 336 Intention ~ Grant Permission

Day 336 Intention ~ Grant Permission

To myself...to be a little lazy today. I woke up with some congestion in my chest and a lack of energy and motivation. 
I have been lounging around all day pretty much, but can't shake feeling guilty about it. I always have stuff to take care of, but I need to grant myself permission to be a little lazy. Save my energy for the one class I have this evening. 

My body is asking for rest, so give it some! 

Why do we beat ourselves up for taking a break?!?!

So, sorry, lame post today, but I am off to lounge for a couple more hours before heading back off into the land of sun salutations and warrior series. 

Til tomorrow (when I have more energy)...



Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 335 Intention ~ Be Present & Content

Day 335 Intention ~ Be Present & Content

As the holiday weekend winds down, many of you may be dreading heading back to work tomorrow. For me, besides Thanksgiving day, I have been working all weekend long. So, as I wrapped up the two classes that I subbed this morning, I was so happy to not have any other obligations til tomorrow evening. 

I found myself sitting in the lazy boy chair, snuggled with a blanket and fire in the in the wood burning stove, watching the Browns (yes, I do love my Brownies still), I felt so content. So comfy, so happy, and relaxed. The best part to me besides feeling this way was realizing that I felt this way. In the moment. Ahhhhhhhhh. 

It's so great when we have these little moments. I hope that they happen often for you. Of course I feel like they could happen more often (at least the relaxed part), but I will take them when I get them.

Remember to breathe deep tomorrow & if you stay in the moment and think positively, you will have a great Monday back from a long weekend. 

Til tomorrow...

