Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 90 Intention ~ Remember With Love

Day 90 Intention ~ Remember With Love

A friend of mine passed on last week. It wasn't someone that I had known for very long or very well, but I still find myself terribly saddened by his passing. He was always someone I was happy to see and loved to get his big bear hug and a smile each time. My husband and I would see him and his lady over the years at several music events and just always had a great time. No drama, just get down and have fun. He had such a kind, loving temperament. 
I cannot imagine what his girlfriend (of 21 years), is going through. 
Although it breaks my heart, I am just trying to remember him laughing, smiling, and gettin' down at just about every show I have gone to since moving back to Cleveland in 2007. 


Til tomorrow...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 89 Intention ~ Spring Clean

Day 89 Intention ~ Spring Clean

Perhaps a cleanse is in the very least, a buckle down on my eating habits needs to happen. A spring cleaning of sorts. Ever since going vegan (and discovering delicious vegan baked treats) my diet has fallen into a no man's land of sugary "good"ness. Ugh. Sluggishness, laziness and just a general gross feeling have joined in the fun. 

So, today, my intention is to get back on the healthy food really, this intention will spread much longer than today. It's been good so far with kale and other fruits, veggies and whole grains in my meals today. Crossing fingers, I can stick to it and break my newly formed habits. 

Spring is a great time to reassess your habits, food and exercise related. With the weather breaking, people come out of the wood work and get more active. There is a "lighter" energy about town and our diets should follow. Moving away from the heavy chilis, soups, stews, potatoes, fatty foods and meals that comforted us in the cold winter months and allowing fruits and fresh salads to move in to keep us light and energized. 

Our yoga practices even can take on a lighter tone. While in winter, we tend to find grounding and comfort through many seated forward folds, more yin and restorative poses and perhaps a slower pace in class, spring and summer is a time to float and move a little bit faster. Jumping, flipping, twisting, balancing and back bends are great poses to help us spring clean the body and allow us to greet the world with a great big smile. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 88 Intention ~ Celebrate Spring!

Day 88 Intention ~ Celebrate Spring!

Okay, so this picture may seem more like, celebrate summer, but I have a lot of excitement over this nice weather. 
Today in Cleveland, the sun is shining bright, it's 50 degrees out and it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. Since Spring started, we have been hit by snow, after snow, after snow...none of it really sticking, but grey skies and snow do not a Spring-like day make. So, today, I celebrate! 
And apparently, others feel the same. Everywhere I have ventured today, there are people all over, walking around, riding bikes, chatting, laughing and most importantly, smiling. 
Amazing what a little sunshine can do for the spirit. I love all of the seasons, don't get me wrong, but there's just something about that bright sun after months of cloudy, grey , snowy days. 
On that note, have a great Friday. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87 Intention ~ Follow Your Dreams

Day 87 Intention ~ Follow Your Dreams

What do you really want to do with your life? 

It's a big question. 
The other big question: Are you doing it? 

If not, it's never too late to start! It may be a dream or vision you had of yourself when you were a child or maybe it just struck you yesterday, but why not make a move to do what you want to do and find happiness?!

When I was younger, I used to write all of the time. I actually looked at going into journalism at Ohio State. When I opted not to go to Ohio State, for whatever reason, I didn't write anything just for me...for 20 years! 

A studio that I used to teach at was having a 5-week workshop on making yourself happy through healthy eating, exercise, lifestyle, get the idea. We would have assignments each week. One week, we had to create something whether it be a drawing, a sculpture, or whatever, but create it. So, I wrote a poem. It felt really good. 

Since then, I now write for 3 websites and this blog :)
I have also written a couple articles for my friends neighborhood paper. 

My husband started to suggest that I write a book. I thought to myself, "Okay, I'll just whip one out." But, in reality, I liked the idea. I just have a fear of it not being good and what would I write about?!?! This started to become a bit of a secret obsession for me, wondering what to write a book about. 

Wednesday morning I was driving to one of my classes and was enjoying the scenery around me, and it was almost like a vision...the story started to unfold in my mind. So, today, I am going to outline my book and start my newest dream. Inspiration can come at any time in life, we just need to be present and allow it to come in. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 86 Intention ~ Be True

Day 86 Intention ~ Be True

PYS II:36 - Satya Pratisthayam Kriya Phalasrayatvam.
To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient. 

Satya means truthfulness. It is one of the yamas, or ethical guidelines in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. As Swami Satchidananda describes it in his book interpreting the Yoga Sutras, "With establishment in honesty, the state of fearlessness comes. One need not be afraid of anybody and can always lead an open life. When there are no lies, the entire life becomes an open book. But this comes only with an absolutely honest mind." 

So, being true in words, actions, and thoughts. The more we are true, the easier it becomes. For a yogi, even telling little white lies must end. The mind must become clear and true in order to see the bigger Truth in ones Self. 

Pattabhi Jois is known for saying, "Practice and all is coming." This also applies to practicing the yamas and niyamas...and speaking, feeling and living the truth. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 85 Intention ~ Stand for Equality

Day 85 Intention ~ Stand for Equality

I stand for equality of all people, I do not care about color, race, gender, age, or sexual preference. The fact that gay marriage is still even under discussion for its legality is beyond comprehension to me. That being said, I am glad some strides are being made and I really hope that we as a country can recognize love for all and give some legal rights to those in same-sex marriages (and make same-sex marriage legal nationally!) and relationships. With 2 marriage equality cases starting at the Supreme Court today, we all need to let our view be known and stand up for not only gay rights, but for all of our rights as humans. 

For more information about or on how to help the cause, visit: Human Rights Campaign.

Til tomorrow...



Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 84 Intention ~ Get Playful

Day 84 Intention ~ Get Playful

It may have dumped more snow here in Cleveland last night, but this time, it's not getting me down in the dumps. It's making me playful. As my dog and I ran around outside in the snow, I found myself laughing and he was having a blast as he always does in the snow. 

Being a little playful helps to keep us young. Laughter is known to relieve stress, which helps not only to make life a little bit more positive (or at least our attitude), but stress reduction can keep us healthy. 

Laughter yoga, also known as Hasya Yoga, is just what it sounds like. People make themselves laugh, which may start out forced, but quickly turns into real laughter and a fun situation. Created by Dr. Madan Kataria from Mumbai, India in 1995, it is a combination of pranayama (yogic breathing) and laughter. To learn more about Laughter Yoga, check out

So, keep having fun & keep on laughing! 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 83 Intention ~ Have Gratitude

Day 83 Intention ~ Have Gratitude

Being thankful for all of the wonderful things we have in life is a great way to keep us present and it allows us to appreciate what we have rather than what we don't. It's easy to start the comparison game or the glass half empty game in our minds and feel bogged down. When we look at all the good, even the tiniest little thing, we will love our life, just as it is. 

Eventually, we also appreciate the tougher, hard things in life. We are open to what they are trying to teach us. When we open up to these things, the sooner they can start to resolve themselves. 

Each morning when you wake up, think of something that you are grateful for and I assure you, it will start your day off on the right foot. 

Today, I am grateful for Sunday morning.

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 82 Intention ~ Lead with Love

Day 82 Intention ~ Lead with Love

It's free. It's easy. And why the heck not?!?! Being present with an open heart not only makes those around you feel good, but you will feel good too. 

It's a choice. How do you want to face the world? I was in the post office this morning and a man was upset that he may have to come back to pick up his parcel because it wasn't there. He began to lose his temper and raise his voice to the woman working behind the counter. Meanwhile, the line is getting longer and longer while he continues to let the world revolve around him. 

I just kept thinking to myself that if he was just a little nicer about it, she may have been a little more open to helping him work it out. My husband is very good at this. He will talk to folks at the airlines when flights get screwed up and just soothe them into making things work for him (and us, so that's advantageous for me too!) Sometimes we do get put in frustrating positions, but exploding may temporarily make you feel good, it will most likely make the person you're exploding on feel bad and people around the situation will most likely just feel uncomfortable or not want to be around that energy. Once you settle down, you may feel badly for being a jerk and losing your cool. 

Entering that situation in a different way...with love, all those involved will most likely feel good when the situation is over and there won't be any need for guilty feelings later. Besides, it's just plain easier to lead with an open heart. 

The more you give, the more you will receive. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 81 Intention ~ Reconnect With Myself

Day 81 Intention ~ Reconnect with Myself

A.k.a. have a night to myself. Unfortunately, my husband drove to Indiana today to attend his aunt's funeral. I was unable to make the trek out of town with him. Although it is a sad situation, I am trying to make the most of it. 

At first, I had a big list of all of the chores I wanted to get done while I had the house to myself...and yes, I did a few of them. But now, I just want to savor a little bit of space and time to myself. Of course I miss my husband, but I am never alone when I can just relax and not have to run off anywhere for the rest of the evening. I can listen to what I want, watch what I what I want! Not that I can't do that other times, but when someone else is around, there's more discussion to find a common ground on what is happening. 

It's important for everyone to reconnect with their own thoughts and feelings from time to time...or just plain relax without having to worry about anybody else. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 80 Intention ~ Find Santosha

Day 80 Intention ~ Find Santosha

Close your eyes, click your heels 3 times and repeat: "Find santosha, find santosha, find santosha." That is how I feel today. I know it's silly, but this winter has worn me out. Now, the 2nd day of spring and a winter weather advisory is out and it's snowy and just plain cold. Yes, it's Cleveland. Do I expect this? Yes, yes I do. But, for some reason, I'm struggling to find santosha today. 

Santosha is contentment or satisfaction with what you have. It is yoga 101. It is one of the niyamas, also known as a restraint or observance, in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and I am usually pretty good about it. Usually. But, old man winter weather has got me down today. 

Things to do to bring santosha back you ask? 
Well, the obvious and most costly is to book a quick trip to somewhere warm...Caribbean preferred, but anywhere would do. The smarter, wiser choice is to practice yoga asana and meditate. This is what I will do and what I can afford. 

If you are also struggling to find santosha in your matter what is creating the block, yoga asana and meditation will help. Even if it is a short practice. Remember, meditation is a practice too. Start with a few minutes and build. Eventually the mind chatter will start to dissolve or at least give you a break for a few minutes. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 79 Intention ~ Keep That Rise & Shine Energy

Day 79 Intention ~ Keep That Rise & Shine Energy All Day

Wednesday morning, first day of spring, 6 a.m. Rise & Shine Power Vinyasa. Cleveland, Ohio...high of 30 degrees today with snow showers. This is the beginning of spring in Cleveland, no surprise. It is dark and cold. 

I leave to teach my class at 5:30 a.m. There is no one on the street, well very few...this part I do love. 

I arrive and there are actually 4 others joining me this morning. This is the 3rd week of this class and I know that once it is lighter earlier, and spring/summer really kick in, more people will be up and about. The first week, I had one student, the second week, I had two and this the third week, four. How exciting and energizing. We were laughing and working hard, preparing for the day. 

When we were done, we were all smiles and awake, ready to take the day on full force, no matter what comes up. And, the sun was even rising before I locked the door. 

It is a great feeling to get up and get going. Getting your yoga practice in first thing can really set the tone for your whole day. It can energize you and change your perspective on things. Now, don't get me wrong, practice at any time is beneficial. At night, it can calm you to ease out of your day also. But, there is just a different feeling when we get it in early. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 78 Intention ~ Do Nothing More...

Day 78 Intention ~ Do Nothing More...

Today that is. Especially since I am just getting to this now & have been running around since I took my husband to work this morning. Time to relax. 

That's all I'm gonna say...til tomorrow.



Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 77 Intention ~ Stay Strong & Keep Calm

Day 77 Intention ~ Stay Strong & Keep Calm

Everything seems to happen all at once. Assignments, classes, bills, car trouble, illness, appointments, and on and on. How do you handle it? That is the question. I am trying to stay strong and keep calm through it all. 

Sometimes I stress out for sure. Sometimes I hide from it all...avoidance. And sometimes when I'm feeling a bit more balanced about things, I just keep plugging away. Why freak out?! It seems like it is always all or nothing around here. Usually all or all unless I am on vacation, so just keep on rolling and going. So long as I can remember that there are worse scenarios to be in and that I've actually got it good and that there are always choices in this world, I can just roll with it without stressing out. 

So for now, I am strong and calm. Hopefully tomorrow too :)

Til then...



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 76 Intention ~ Stop With the What If's

Day 76 Intention ~ Stop with the what if's

Enjoy the moment. It's Sunday and it's the perfect day to hang out with the hubby and relax. My head loves to start to take over and over think the week ahead. The what if's set in: what if no one comes to class, what if my car isn't finished, what if I can't get over this cold, what if (fill in the blank with anything that's been on your mind lately). It's ridiculous. 

There is no sense getting worked up over things we can't control. What we can control is our reaction to it. Things will happen as they are going to whether or not I spent time on my day off worrying about it. 

The mind challenges us in these scenarios just like we challenge our body on the yoga mat. We can either react or just do it. Things go way more smoothly if we just do it. Once you over think it, the mind starts to stress or the body tenses lose that moment. 

So, no more what if's. Just allow things to unfold as they may. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75 Intention ~ Realize How Far I Have Come.

Day 75 Intention ~ Realize How Far I've Come...

Today I did what I've been wanting to do for a loooong time. I reorganized and cleaned my yoga room. Heck, I may even be able to practice in there again! 

As I was cleaning out all of the random sheets of paper and old lesson plans and notebooks, I started skimming through some of them. And boy, I have come a long way since I started teaching. Now, I'm not saying this to be arrogant. I am saying this because, even these days, there are many times that I think that I just don't know anything. I'll take an amazing yoga class & think that there is no way my classes are possibly that inspiring or I'll read an article or yoga book, whatever it is and think, man, I am never gonna learn all this stuff! And no, it's not some sort of yoga teacher trying to be modest and ego-less banter in my head. I actually will think these things. 

But, looking back on the past few years through notes and old books, I realize that I have come a long way. I may not know everything, but I do know stuff. I have stuff to offer my students and that feels good. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 74 Intention ~ Listen to Signs from the Universe

Day 74 Intention ~ Listen to signs from the Universe

Okay, this one may sound silly, but it's true. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling really congested and not very good. I had to go teach a class though and ended up practicing with the owner of the studio where I was teaching. I felt a lot better afterwards. In fact, my congestion felt cleared up and all was good!

I went to my second class and as I was pulling out, my check engine light came on and my car barely made it as it sputtered over to my mechanic. I walked to my next class, about a mile from my mechanic's and then another 3 miles home afterwards. 

Luckily, my husband came home in time to drive me to and from my last class. When I got home, all of my congestion came back. 

No car, congestion...stay home the universe called out. So, I found a sub for my afternoon class today which is 20 miles away. I don't feel well, but I am resting. I am listening. 

I often feel guilty if I am not working and just laying around, but how often does that really happen!! So, I give in universe. Thank you for the break. 

Back to my couch & cheesy movie...til tomorrow. 



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 73 Intention ~ Keep Trying Handstand

Day 73 Intention ~ Keep Trying Handstand

Handstand is that elusive pose for me in yoga. I go through phases of attempting it, but then drop it for awhile and come back to it. For some of us, a pigeon pose is that elusive pose or chatturanga dandasana, the low plank (that one was elusive to me for a long time too!) But, I keep coming back. I keep trying. One of these days it will stick. I will lift up. There was a time when the mere mention of handstand in yoga class would send me into a panic (and a child's pose). Nowadays, I do actually try and each time I try, I get a little bit closer. 

I know it's a mental wall and that I have the physical strength to do this pose. I try to hear myself talking to my students about losing your ideas of what a pose is or if you can or can't do it and just try. Release your mind to let the body do it's thing, but it's a struggle. Struggle is okay, so long as we keep trying. One of these days when we are ready, we will get it. 

Just like in life, some days are easier than others, but those hard days are when we learn about ourselves. We get more out of those tough lessons than when everything is just simple and easy all of the time. In my African proverbs calendar today it says, "Too many bends on a footpath do not prevent one from reaching one's destination." It's a proverb from Cameroon. So, keep trying. One day we will get where we need to be. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 72 Intention ~ Teach From My Heart

Day 72 Intention ~ Teach From My Heart

It happens to us all no matter what type of work we do...some days we are just feeling it more than other days. Teaching yoga is no different. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed or leave the house. This morning was one of those mornings, it may be the slight congestion I was feeling in my chest, or the need for more sleep, but I just didn't want to get up. 

But then I think about my students. I try to teach a class that I would want to attend. The students give me the energy and excitement to just flow from my heart, offering them whatever little knowledge I have, so that they can get a little closer to their inner Self. I am always happy when I see a students smile after class knowing that I gave it my heart and was as pure as I could be for them, for yoga, for me. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 71 Intention ~ Stop Watching the Pot

Day 71 Intention ~ Stop Watching the Pot

You know the old saying, "a watched pot never boils"...well, I keep watching the "pot" and, believe me, it isn't boiling. Whether it's waiting for responses in emails, a check to arrive in the mail, or a sign from above, it's not coming because I am sitting here watching and waiting. 

Trying to let the mind go to other things rather than focusing on the things that I can't get to right at this moment is difficult, but necessary. 

It's also a practice.

Just as in yoga asana, when you are trying to fold a little bit deeper, but your body is tightening up because you're thinking about it too much. As soon as you let go of the idea in your head and focus on the breath, the body starts to open. 

When you want something to happen so badly, you can't stop thinking about it or you start to get impatient about it, the universe will make you wait and breathe and let go. Release, so that it may open up to you. Stop holding on so tightly to those outside things. Let the mind relax, so that it can expand. And then usually, once you let go, that email arrives, or the mailman turns onto your street, or you delve deeper into your inner Self than you ever imagined. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 70 Intention ~ Stay Cool Under Pressure

Day 70 Intention ~ Stay Cool Under Pressure

Working a deadline and trying to get everything else together for classes in the evening can make me start to feel the pressure some days. Today, I refuse to let it effect me. 

My goal is to keep it cool. Keep breathing and know that it'll all come together if I just keep plugging away. This way of reacting to pressure is much nicer on not only my psyche, but on those around me. Stressing out about things you can't control is not worth it. So just breathe through it and let the cards unfold as they may. Have faith that things will fall into place however the universe means for them to fall. 

This isn't always easy & I know that if you've been reading these entries all year, you know that I can blow my top and stress out, but I am learning. Keep the faith. It's much better for you physically too. When we are stressed out our body tightens up (for me it's the shoulders), we may lose some sleep and then it can become emotional and reactionary. 
Try to keep breathing, get exercise, meditate, sleep, eat healthy and we'll all be okay. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 69 Intention ~ Realize the Blessings

Day 69 Intention ~ Realize the Blessings

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day in Cleveland, Ohio. In the 60's, sunny, gorgeous. This past couple weeks have been so stressed out, not only me, but my husband has been stressed and it seemed like those around me were all stressed or down at the cold, seemingly neverending winter.

But today brought back that lightness, that feeling of life and growth and excitement that happens every spring. It caused me to wax a little nostalgic and just think about fun times in the past with old friends and family. It made me think about the more recent past and all of the wonderful "new" people in my life. My conclusion? I am so blessed. What an amazing group of people that I have in my world. Some of them I don't get to see or speak to as much as I used to, but it doesn't make them any less important to me. 

Life is funny. It takes us down many roads with many people and experiences. I hope to just continue to grow and continue with all these blessings and appreciate them all of the time. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 68 Intention ~ Act Like A Kid Again

Day 68 Intention ~ Act Like A Kid Again

It's so easy to get caught up in all of the stresses, obligations and responsibilities of being an adult. Why not let it go and act like a kid again?!?! Remember when life was fun and your worries were about simpler things like where to go play and have fun rather than bills, work, family or other responsibilities? 

It's great for the mindset and for morale to just let things go, even if it is just for a few hours and go have some fun. Laugh, be silly, fall down...go rollerskating! 

Let yourself have a little time for fun and let your inner kid come out and play! 

Happy Saturday everyone! 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 67 Intention ~ Go To Yoga!

Day 67 Intention ~ Go To Yoga!

It was my intention to practice yoga asana every single day this year. I had been doing pretty well with it...until this week. Demos while teaching class don't count I know, therefore, I have been a slacker! 

So, today, my goal is to get back on the horse. Go to a class and free my mind, and get back to my body. It is better to practice a tiny bit each day rather than only practicing once every week or so for a huge 2 hour vigorous practice. Making new routines and habits can also take time. 

There were many new things on my plate this week which I let impede me from my own practice. Not good. Even if you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to do a nice short practice, do it. You will feel better in body, mind and spirit. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 66 Intention ~ Reach Out

Day 66 Intention ~ Reach out (to someone you love)

It has been a crazy few weeks in my little world and I suddenly realized that I haven't spoken to my parents in weeks! So, today, I reached out and called my mom and dad. I have been so wrapped up in work and my life here, that I have literally been ignoring my family/social side of life, besides a few "likes" or comments on Facebook. 

Reconnecting with loved ones. People who know you and love you on a familial level, whether it is friends or blood relatives are so important. Talking to my mom just makes me feel grounded and supported and loved, which during these crazy weeks when I feel overloaded with work, is just what I need. 

So, call a good friend or family member you haven't spoken to in awhile. My guess is that they'll be happy to hear from you.

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 65 Intention ~ Start Fresh

Day 65 Intention ~ Start Fresh

Wipe the slate clean. Now, I'm not talking about removing everything from your life, just letting today be a new day. 
When we hold onto things so tightly whether it be emotions, work, certain situations or even other people, we get stuck. We wallow in the past and that leaves us stranded...emotionally and mentally. If we do that for too long, we will also start to see physical repercussions, like back aches, tight shoulders, headaches, even laziness or overeating (or not eating enough)...the list goes on and on. 

So, remember that each day is a new day. Try to wipe the slate clean and give yourself a chance to thrive, live and love! We all deserve that chance. 

Yesterday, I was feeling physically drained, mentally stressed and overworked and just plain tired. This led to me creating a "poor me" situation in my head and feeling like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. I ate a healthy meal, went to bed a decent hour and lo and behold, today is like a new dawn!

If you are feeling tired, overworked, stressed, angry, sad, lazy or negative...stop and try to see what you may be holding onto that you don't need anymore. How can you let it go? What has changed in your routine? Diet? Exercise? 

Go to a yoga class, take a run, drink water, eat something healthy and definitely try to get at least 7 hours of sleep. 
My guess is that you will feel like you've wiped the slate clean and can start the new day fresh. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 64 Intention ~ Go with the Flow

Day 64 Intention ~ Go with the Flow

Back to my African quotations's reads: "When the drumbeat changes, the dancers must adapt." It is a Burkina Faso proverb and it seems like a good way to go. 

No matter how crazy life gets and which directions we zig and zag throughout the day, we need to learn to bend and not break. 

Just like in yoga. We have to apply strength and flexibility to go deeper into each posture or to open our minds and our hearts. It can be scary sometimes, but if we just let things fall as they may, we are hopefully flexible enough to let them happen organically and strong enough not to let it get to us. 

So, although I feel overwhelmed sometimes by everything going on around me, I just keep plugging away, knowing that it is all for a greater, bigger goal. 

Til tomorrow...



Day 62 Intention - Take a Day of Rest

Day 62 Intention - Take a Day of Rest

Today is Sunday, my only day off and I am taking the day off. After a week of not sleeping well and running myself ragged. It's time to relax, so a few naps and a couple movies later, I am feeling rejuvinated! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 63 Intention ~ Accept That It's Time to Close A Door

Day 63 Intention ~ Accept that it's time to close a door. 

Change, it's not always easy. But, it is constant and necessary. I have needed to close a door in my working world for awhile now and I am accepting today that this needs to get 

For me, it's not so much that I can't let go, it's more the idea of having the conversation that worries me. It is something that has needed to happen for a long time, but I have been avoiding it because I don't like confrontation. I know that I will approach this situation in a peaceful way, because that is how I like to live my life. Hopefully it remains peaceful. 

Accepting that I cannot continue something because it isn't working for me anymore is huge...for me. I have the tendency to hang on to things way past their expiration date for fear of disappointing others. But, to truly do what is right for me and my happiness, this door needs to close. 

Wish me luck. 

Til tomorrow...

