Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120 Intention ~ Check Your Intention

Day 120 Intention ~ Check Your Intention

I know it sounds funny, but it is something to pay attention to. Why do we do the things we do or say the things we say or behave the way we do? What are the reasons? What is the intention behind it? 

Hopefully we're all working for good and not evil. :)
But, really looking into our actions and our wants and our behavior and trying to lead with our heart seems like a good way to go about things. If you are out to upset or one-up someone in your world, what is that worth? What is really behind that action? 

Just paying attention to why we do things, may make us think twice before forcing negativity on someone else or on a situation. Others around us will be a little more peaceful & perhaps we will be able to find a little more peace and contentment when we lead with love.

Til tomorrow...



Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119 Intention ~ Move On...

Day 119 Intention ~ Move On...

All things come to an end. Sometimes things make us happy, sometimes sad, sometimes relieved, sometimes frustrated or angry. When it is time for a change, no matter what emotion is going on in one's head, it is best to move on with grace. Why beat it to death. Especially if you won't have to deal with it anymore. 

Sometimes when I've been angry in the past at a co-worker or whatever/whoever it may be, I've thought that telling that person off would make me feel better. You know what, it really never does. It usually just makes me feel bad for not being able to control myself or for hurting that person. 

Does not expressing your feelings to this person make you not being true to yourself? Not really. You need to decide which battles are worth the fight. Sometimes it's just not worth it. Saving them from hurt feelings or anger could be looked at as a form of practicing ahimsa I suppose. 

So, move on with your life. If something is not serving you, let it go. Don't dwell on it...move on. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 118 Intention ~ Digest The Good

Day 118 Intention ~ Digest the Good. 

Things have been picking up at very rapid pace lately. Good things. Things that my husband & I have both been working for and working towards achieving. The energy in the air is almost bubbling over. It is overwhelming at times. 
It's a very exciting time that is taking a lot of careful planning of time & money to make it all work. Although I am very excited, I start to get stressed out at the amount of work that will need to be done in the next 2 months to make it happen (just for one event that is!)

So, today, instead of getting overwhelmed or making timelines and lists, I am digesting it. I am digesting the good. In yoga, it is called manana or manan, which means deep thought or reflection on lessons or life. 

We are all so lucky. If we can just take a moment and reflect and digest the good in our worlds, it may just make it that much more beautiful.

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117 Intention ~ Flow Like Water

Day 117 Intention ~ Flow Like Water

Perhaps I should say, "go with the flow", but flow like water just sounded a little prettier to me this afternoon. Being a pisces (not to get all hippie dippy on ya), this isn't really a hard task. We tend to go with the flow naturally. 

Today, I was supposed to be at a pretty public venue for yoga demonstrations and drumming up business for a new place I am teaching, but plans change. I was actually looking forward to doing something new (to me) and meeting new people and potential students. 

It is just too gorgeous out today and this event is indoors, so I have been called off duty. Although I was looking forward to it, I am also excited to get to enjoy this afternoon outside also (after I get off the computer of course!)

So, in this way, I am going with the flow. Sometimes it's easier than other times. This was an easy one. When we learn acceptance of events in our lives and don't get so attached to the outcomes, we learn to flow a little bit more gracefully through life. A person that loses attachment to outcomes becomes sattvic, or pure and balanced in body and mind. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 116 Intention ~ Keep It Light-Hearted

Day 116 Intention ~ Keep it light-hearted

Sometimes...okay, lots of times, when I am getting ready to go teach class, I find myself getting hung up on trying to make the class the most profound class with all sorts of fancy sequences and try to really blow the students mind. 
Reality is, in general, when I keep it light-hearted and just go with the feeling in the room, it goes much better. 

Being a yoga teacher is a funny thing sometimes. You get so immersed in yoga and living in a yogic way, that you forget that not everyone is like that. You forget that for some, they just want to feel worked out. There is nothing wrong with that. Of course, I would like to leave each student with a little nugget from the other parts of yoga besides asana practice. But, I also want to make them want to come back. The other stuff usually comes in time, so if they keep coming back, there are more and more chances to get them on to more philosophy and talk about the yamas and niyamas or about The Bhagavad Gita. 

So, instead of putting tons of pressure on myself this afternoon to act like I am some sort of guru, I am just going to have fun with it, and hope that my students do too. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 115 Intention ~ Go To Bed Early

Day 115 Intention ~ Go to bed early. 

This week has been back to hectic hours and up & down Cleveland weather. All I feel is run down. Trying to get different jobs & tasks done and then getting up at 5 a.m. one day & 6 a.m. the next just leave me tired and feeling like a cold is coming on. Going to bed later than I should doesn't help. So tonight, I am on lock down for sleep. 

Sleep is so important health-wise. It is your chance to revitalize and rest. It helps your mind clear and just plain makes the next day so much better. When we are overtired, we tend to start finding substitutes for sleep to help keep us up like sugar or too much caffeine, things that can leave us feeling jittery or crashing in an hour. We also tend to crave junk food over healthier options, so bad choices start. 

Not enough sleep also leaves us run down and our immunity systems become weaker, leaving us prone to more illness. 

So tonight, I will sleep. I went to a Max Strom workshop last fall and he discussed things that prevent people from sleeping...besides the obvious sugar/caffeine culprits, he mentioned looking at "blue" screens before bed...yup, television, computers, even smartphones. He suggested shutting them down a few hours before planning to go to sleep and see if you don't just sleep a little bit better tonight. 
He also suggested reading something inspiring and positive before bed to help keep stress away. Of course, breathing exercises and legs up the wall pose help too! 

So, that is my plan. I wish you all a happy, healthy evening & lots of restful sleep. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 114 Intention ~ Stay Productive

Day 114 Intention ~ Stay Productive

I've been in vacation mode ever since we got back to Cleveland at 3 a.m. Monday morning. Luckily for me, I've only had a few classes and work that I can do at home since we returned. But today, I am kicked back into full gear and need to stay productive to get it all done. 

I used to just go into a frenzy whenever I had a long laundry list of things I needed to get done. Now, I think of the tortoise and the hare. Slow & steady win the race. 

As with our asana practice, keeping the breath slow & steady gives us strength and a more calming meditative effect to our poses. If we breathe into each pose whether it's vinyasa flow or just when holding a pose, we find that the body starts to open, tense muscles start to release and we discover new spaces and strength in ourselves. We also notice the mind starts to focus and remain calm. 

When we are stressed out, the breath becomes shortened, if not, barely there. This leads the body to react and tense up. Muscles strain, the mind becomes fuzzy and unclear and we may feel hopeless. Stop here. Try to notice when this is happening, and stop. Take (at least) 10 nice slow calm breaths and regroup. If you can keep this breath throughout your day, no matter what is going on around you, you will find that you will be able to get more done and stay productive. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 113 Intention ~ Celebrate Earth Day Everyday!

Day 113 Intention ~ Celebrate Earth Day Everyday!

I know that the saying has been used over and over again and cliche, but I am a day behind and wanted to get my Earth day blog in, and besides, it is true! We need to try to do things a little bit differently every single day while we are on this planet to stop polluting so much, using up all of our resources and really in yogic terms, practice ahimsa, aka non-harming. 

Recycling, composting, buying local, walking or riding a bike, even using public transportation or carpooling are just some of the ways we can help leave less of a carbon footprint. Going vegetarian or vegan or perhaps just having a meatless Monday (or any day of the week for that matter) to make less of an impact and save some animals while you're at it are great ways to practice ahimsa. 

Other options can include, buying from local stores and farmers, starting a garden, using a rain barrel to collect water for your garden and plants, wearing clothes from thrift stores or swapping with your friends ~ why not make it a party!

There are many small ways to make an impact on this Earth while we are here. We are all in this together and each small step is important. So find something, if not many things, each day to help make this place a better place to live. 

Today, I finally rode my bike to class since I got it fixed instead of driving! It was super fun, took the same amount of time and it was great to get some fresh air and exercise! 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 112 Intention ~ Rest

Day 112 Intention ~ Rest.

Rest and rejuvenation are what is on the schedule for today. 
As much fun as it can be to go, go, go, it's time to listen to the body and let it recuperate after a long weekend of walking all over, camping, dancing and driving. 

Give yourself a break when you need it. Your body will be a much happier shell if you do. 

Til tomorrow...zzzzzzzzzzzz



Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 111 Intention ~ Appreciate the Road

Day 111 Intention ~ Appreciate the Road

As we drive back to Cleveland today, I will look back fondly on all the great music, people and moments at the Wanee Festival in Florida these past few days. 

Although the times were fun, road trips always make me appreciate home a little bit more. 

With a 14 hour drive ahead of us, I am just going to appreciate the road, and getting some rare alone time with my husband when there is no t.v., no other people around, and nothing to do, but drive, drive, drive.

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110 Intention ~ Keep Hydrated

Day 110 Intention ~ Keep Hydrated.

A friend of mine used to say that in college all the time when we were out at the bars or at parties. I have kept that mantra for 20 years now. 

We should drink 8 ounces of water a day. If you are exercising regularly and sweating a lot, you need to drink even more. Keeping our body hydrated is good for our organs, our skin, our head, our whole bodies. I am not going to go into a huge explanation of all of this. Chances are if you're reading a blog with the title "yoga" in it, you know the benefits of water already. 

I have been out here in the Florida heat, dancing and carrying on for a couple days now, so it is even more beneficial to me to keep hydrated.

I am just here to remind you...and me.

Til tomorrow...



Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 109 Intention ~ Dance to the Music

Day 109 Intention ~ Dance to the Music

Dancing...another way of expressing oneself. 

Have you ever just gotten lost in the music. Total freedom occurs. Your body just shakes and sways and glides with the music. Your mind is free and you make that connection to the beat. It's a great feeling. 

I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul. 
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go.
                                                  ~Cat Stevens

Just as when you give in to the breath and let the poses happen in yoga asana, when you just feel the rhythm and the beat and let your body move how it will and let your mind let loose, not worrying about what the people around you think...you can find freedom. You can find a form of truth. 
You can be present in that moment. You can find you. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 108 Intention ~ Meet My Neighbors

Day 108 Intention ~ Meet My Neighbors

John & I have ventured to Live Oak, Florida for the Wanee Music Festival. We like to pretend that we are young kids and go and hang out and rock out for that matter too on our days off. 
One thing to keep a peaceful and happy community around me when I go to these events is to meet my neighbors. It just makes things easier and usually helps keep a little bit of harmony in our area. 
I love to meet new people and learn where they are from and what their story is...but I also like to keep a friendly vibe around camp. 
So, for a few days, we will build our own little community out in the woods with folks who are interested in seeing live music and having fun. Sounds like a nice way to spend the weekend! 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 107 Intention ~ Enjoy the Ride

Day 107 Intention ~ Enjoy the Ride

Today my hubby and I venture out onto the rode. Driving 14 hours to Live Oak, Florida to go to a music festival. The festival will be great fun I am sure, but I love the drive. I love to check out new places and seeing the sights. Although this drive is going to go late into the night, our plan is to breakfast in Savannah, Georgia, so I am super excited. 
I went there over a decade ago for a night with my friends, Carol and Fez, and I just loved it. So, that is the goal. I love that mystical swampy Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil feeling.
It's good to get out of one's normal everyday environment and take a look around. See what's going on with other people, in other areas. Expand your horizons. It helps us to understand differences in others and perhaps find an openness to their situations and ideas. It can help us find the connection between us, which to me, is practicing yoga. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 106 Intention ~ Love to Boston

Day 106 Intention ~ Love to Boston

I am heartbroken for those affected by the horrible acts of some misguided soul(s) yesterday in Boston. When something like this happens, it's hard to make sense of it.
I won't pretend to have the answers or know who did this or make rash speculations on who or why this happened. 
I will just send love out to those affected. I will pray for humanity & I will know that there is still lots of love in the world and great great people. 
It's tough to see good when something so horrific happens, but if it reminds me to extend my hand to another with love, I will take that reminder. If it can help us all figure out a way to love and work together, I will take that lesson. 

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
                                                 ~Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Let's be the light. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 105 Intention ~ Ride My Bike

Day 105 Intention ~ Ride My Bike

It's really a pretty simple intention, straightforward. No life changing events here (although I suppose you never know). Just a nice little ride on a nice sunny Monday here in Cleveland. 
I was so excited to finally get my bike fixed after years of talk a few weeks back, just to have the weather turn cold, rainy, sometimes snowy, so today I will ride! 
So, in some ways I will change things by getting some fresh air, some exercise, not sitting on the couch eating junk food or watching t.v., but riding around my lovely city soaking it all in.
Sometimes it's nice to keep it simple, which I suppose could be considered yogic. :)

Happy Monday all! 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104 Intention ~ Slow Down

Day 104 Intention ~ Slow Down

I remember the first class I ever took with my teacher, Marni Task. At the time, I was pretty new to hot power vinyasa. Sure, I had done vinyasa in a room temperature setting, I had also practiced hot yoga, but Bikram, not in a flowing vinyasa. I found that I would often struggle to find ujjayi breath in these hot classes and would stumble and bumble my way through the poses as fast as I could. 

She came up to me and told me to slow down. And, guess what, it changed my practice. To this day I think of that when I am moving a little bit slower in class than the 20 year olds around me or when I am teaching and I see a student rushing through chatturanga, and upward facing dog. 

When you slow it down, you can feel your breath, heck, you can feel the pose. I have heard comments from different people who think moving more slowly is easier or more "beginner". Holding the poses longer is not easier in my book...I feel that it builds more strength and allows you to go deeper. 

It is beginner friendly because that newer student has a chance to get into the pose with more time, they also get to feel it in their bodies and make adjustments in alignment if needed. They get to find union between their breath and their body...connection...yoga. 

Today, 4 years after that first class, Marni reminded me (and the whole class) to slow it down again. This time coming out of savasana pose. As we all started to wiggle our fingers and toes ready to roll up and om...ready to move on to the rest of our day, she reminded us to slow it down, to move as if you are just learning how to use those muscles again. It was a nice reminder for that moment and for the rest of my day.

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 103 Intention ~ Remember It's Still New...To You

Day 103 Intention ~ Remember it's still new...to you.

...or at least it's "new" to some students that come into class. 
Some days I feel like I have said the same things over and over so many times that I feel like I have become like a broken record. I forget that students don't hear it the 17 or more times I've said something that week & frankly, they need the reminder to lengthen the side body or bend their knee or even just to breathe. 

Although it is hard to keep things sounding fresh all the time or perhaps a teacher feels like they've taught the same pose so many times that they think that there is no way this is fresh, the student is the one the class is for, not the teacher. Believe me, I learn and get things out of teaching classes too, but it's not about me...it's about the student. 

Today in class, a student that I generally only see once a week asked me if we could practice janu sirsasana, seated head to knee pose. Now I teach that in almost every class I teach, and would think that this would be one of those poses that people could get bored with, but to have this student ask if we could practice it just brought it back to the forefront that it's fresh to them...and that's who matters. 

If you find yourself getting bored with what you are saying and can't find a way to make it exciting again, change the language, or look at the student and see if they are getting it and if that doesn't work, it may just be time for a vacation. :)

Til tomorrow...



Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 102 Intention ~ Ask For An Extension

Day 102 Intention ~ Ask for an extension

Or, you could say, give up control. One of the websites that I write for requires experts in the field in which I am writing assignments. Unfortunately, this doesn't always let me make my deadlines. When I first started writing for them, I would get so tense and stressed out because people may accept your invitation to be interviewed and be sincere, but even with the best intentions, people get sidetracked. They may eventually answer my questions, but not always in a timely deadline focused manner. 

Nowadays, I try to let it go. My editor is pretty reasonable and usually gives me an extension if necessary. Realizing that I cannot control others actions and admitting that I can't pull a rabbit out of a hat has made me a much more relaxed reporter. 

Learning this in other aspects of life is good too. Yesterday when my body was screaming for me to take a break, I listened. I am still not physically feeling 100%, but I do feel better than yesterday. 

Same with relationships with other people, either socially or in a work environment. People have their own things going on and they may not respond how you would or how you would like them to. It's okay, this is what makes the world go round. So long as you remind yourself that you cannot control others and their feelings and reactions, you may find a little more peace in your feelings and reactions. This will cause a much smoother and calmer day.

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 101 Intention ~ Remember to listen to my body.

Day 101 Intention ~ Remember to listen to my body.

One of the great things about the physical practice of yoga is that you learn how to tune into your body. Although, I try to practice everyday and teach 15 classes a week, I still get surprised when I feel sore. Not that I practice the classes I teach, but you do find yourself getting into positions to demonstrate or in even more awkward positions to adjust students, so it's not strange that I get sore sometimes. The last few days, my left side has been so so sore...more than usual. Hip, glute, thigh, shoulder...ugh. 
So, today when I have 4 classes (5 today because of an emergency sub situation), I am listening to my body and allowing myself to rest the body as much as I can between classes. 
Just as with other exercises, you can overwork the body and cause strain. I am hoping this is all this is :)

So, listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. Today, mine needs rest. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 100 Intention ~ Think Positive Thoughts

Day 100 Intention ~ Think Positive Thoughts

I was perusing last month's Yoga Journal this morning when I came across a little snippet about how studies have been done at the Medical Research Council in England about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and how it actually worked in research participants. 

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, it reads: 

Vitarka badhane pratipaksa bhavanam.
When disturbed by negative thoughts, opposite ones should be thought of. 

So when you find yourself feeling low or negative about things, try some positive thinking to change your mind. It's all about attitude. This can be difficult in the heat of the moment, say, if you are arguing with someone or if you lose someone you love, but trying to come to the opposite emotion can help. Remember a time when you were laughing with the person you are arguing with or find gratitude for having the person you lost in your life. Find a way to change your attitude to a positive one and your whole day may be on the upswing. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99 Intention ~ Enjoy the Quiet

Day 99 Intention ~ Enjoy the Quiet

Even if it is only for a moment...and perhaps not all that quiet. Sure, I can hear the birds or cars passing by outside, the hum of the computer's hard drive, but just for a few moments it seems so peaceful. 

No music blasting or television blaring. No one talking in my ear...just "quiet". As yogis, we are supposed to be able to find stillness in any situation. Although, sometimes this is possible, it's just more clearing & calming for me (and I am sure others) when it's a little bit quieter around me. I can focus on the breathe, my mind can relax a little more and I feel more peaceful. Sure, I strive to find calmness in any crazy situation going on, but I guess I'm not that enlightened yet...maybe someday! 

But, if we find these little moments of stillness or quiet each day, even if it's just a short moment to start, it can make the rest of our day a little bit more calm. Eventually those moments of quiet become longer and perhaps even stretch into those other less quiet moments. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 98 Intention ~ Don't Over Think It

Day 98 Intention ~ Don't Over Think It

In attempts to keep this blog as honest as possible with what is up with me each day...today's is don't over think it. 

I am currently reading into a text I received a little bit ago, making it negative when it may not even have been meant that way. Instead of waiting to talk it out later, I started to get sad, even a little angry, when I haven't personally discussed this yet.

Anyhow, I am trying to bring my emotions back to an even keel. Of course, being pure and in the moment is being honest and present. Although, being reactionary is not always the best way to be. In yoga, we learn to address our struggles and work through them. Hopefully, we can take this off the mat when we encounter situations or read texts (like me today) that we don't necessarily want to be in or hear because we're hoping for something else. 
We try to find santosha, or contentment, in whatever is going on around us. 

It's hard sometimes. 

I am going to keep trying. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 97 Intention ~ Have a little family time

Day 97 Intention ~ Have a Little Family Time

It's another gorgeous day here in Cleveland...sunny, 60 degrees...just lovely. So, John, George & I are headed out on a little adventure outside. Getting these moments together are so important to reconnect and enjoy each other (and George is happy to be adventuring outdoors anytime!)

It's not as if John & I don't spend time together, but during the week, lots of times I get home later in the evening after class, so we just kind of settle in and watch t.v. and don't really connect. And, especially after being cooped up all winter inside, it's nice to get out into nature, together and get energized from the excitement of a new season starting! 

So, on that note, til tomorrow...



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 96 Intention ~ Get Some Fresh Air

Day 96 Intention ~ Get Some Fresh Air

Spring has finally sprung here in Cleveland...somewhat. The snow has melted (hopefully that is it for this year) and the temperatures are now in the 50's during the day, which after winter here, it feels warmer than that. It's time for folks to leave their stuffy cramped up cabins and breathe in the fresh air of the season. 

Ride your bike, take the dog for a walk, venture around town or just plain sit on the front porch. Getting some fresh air can clear our heads, a new season can give us new hope and we can get a fresh perspective on things after they may have gotten stale over the long cold winter. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 95 Intention ~ Embrace the Day

Day 95 Intention ~ Embrace the Day

This is gonna be short and sweet today, because it's gonna be another busy one for me...but the plan is to embrace the day! Whatever it brings! 

Enjoy what comes your way. Smile at people, laugh, appreciate this great big world while you're here! Why waste time being negative about things, it only makes it worse, never better. Try to see the light in all things and you just may find that your heart and your mind open more and more. 

Happy Friday you all! 

Til tomorrow...(told ya it was gonna be a short one today!)



Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 94 Intention ~ Keep Plugging Away...

Day 94 Intention ~ Keep plugging away...and breathing.

From about 3 a.m. on this morning I kept waking up just about every 5 to 10 minutes. I had gotten to bed a little later than normal and had to get up at 6 a.m. 

With 4 classes and an article due tomorrow that I won't have any time to finish tomorrow, I knew today was going to be a busy day. I guess that's why I kept waking up...I guess. 

But, rather than allow stress to take over, I just kept plugging away with my less than stellar sleep and with my breath. So far so good. Three classes down and the article shaping up, I am feeling pretty good about things. Usually when I stress and freak out about things, they only get worse. Breathing and letting it happen as it will, and just continuing to work has let it all fall into place. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93 Intention ~ Be Supportive

Day 93 Intention ~ Be Supportive

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own heads and world and needs, that we forget about the ones we love and care about. Not on purpose, of course, but just because we have other things on our minds. 

Today, I am making a conscious effort to be aware and supportive of my family & friends that may need an ear to vent or a shoulder to cry on and show my care and love for them. It's important to support those in your life. How can we open our own hearts unless it is towards another?

Take a moment today, and just check on someone you love or maybe someone you just like, or heck, maybe someone you don't even know and make sure that they are doing okay. 

Til tomorrow...

