Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 151 Intention ~ Stop Comparing

Day 151 Intention ~ Stop Comparing

In the yoga classes that I teach, I often tell my students, especially if they are newer to the practice, to stop comparing themselves to others in the class. It gets you nowhere & we are all going to be in a different spot. Period. 
It just causes undue stress, insecurity, feelings of unworthiness, and on and on when we put ourselves through that type of comparison. 

Luckily, as far as my practice goes, I am accepting of where my practice is each time and I am thankful for it. Sure, there are times when I wish my left hip wasn't so much tighter than my right or that I could just float up into some amazing arm balance that I don't quite have...yet, but in general, I am okay with how my practiced has developed. I am the turtle of the yoga asana. It takes time & I am very very patient. 

Where I find myself making comparisons is in my teaching. If I go to a class, I often think about the wonderful things the teacher is saying and sequencing that we are doing, and I start to think that I am a horrible teacher! It's nuts. We all have something to offer & frankly, I am not a horrible teacher. But yet, I put myself through this almost every single time. Why??? It frustrates me to no end and in reality, I know it does me no good to do this to myself. 

The reality is, there is something to be learned from each & every teacher and yoga class out there. I encourage my students to check out other teachers, classes and yoga styles, but then downplay my own abilities to teach. 

NO MORE!!! I am so grateful for all my teachers, past, present & future (btw, this includes my students too-I learn something every time from them also).  

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 150 Intention ~ Be Brave

Day 150 Intention ~ Be Brave

So, be brave has been my mantra ever since I found out that 15 teenagers were coming to my class today. Now, don't get me wrong, I think I do an okay job as aunt to my 10 nieces & nephews, but 15 stranger teenagers is a different story. Teaching them yoga adds an even bigger challenge. 

Will I be able to hold their attention for 1.25 hours? Will they be giggly and looking at their phones? Do they even care about yoga??

This morning I was remarkably calm as I headed over to the class. I just figured, I'll teach my regular class & they can do what they can...sure, I'll explain a little bit more. Perhaps I'll be a little more coddling than I normally would be, but with my regular students coming, I am going to teach what I would teach if there were 2 people or 25. 

Well, it went okay. I think that some of the girls were interested, others...not so much. Even after I made a point of telling them to put their phones away, I did see one girl checking it. I do think that yoga was harder physically than they thought it would be, although I didn't think I was being particularly hard on them. I guess, in the end, I hope that some of them try it again. Who knows....

My biggest thing I learned about myself today was that I am braver than I thought. In the past, I would've been so nervous that my voice would have been shaky or my mind distracted, but didn't have any of that today. Which for me, is a HUGE step forward. 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 149 Intention ~ One Thing At A Time

Day 149 Intention ~ One Thing At A Time

Just like everybody else, I try to do too many things at once sometimes...okay, a lot of the time. The reality is, that just doesn't work well for me. Sure, doing the laundry while sitting up here on the computer works, but trying to write a blog, load pictures, plan classes, and update my resume doesn't work quite so well no matter how hard I try! 

Ever have one of those days when everything you touch stops working properly? That is what is happening with me today, which again, leads me to think that I should listen to my intention for today even more. 

If my pictures won't load and I find myself getting frustrated in the process...let it go for now. Once this "to do" list is smaller, my ability to figure out what is going wrong will be more clear...hopefully.

When I quit my day job, I figured I would stop trying to multi-task so much. I would be able to give my full attention to whatever task was at hand. At first, I am sure that I did that, but now as time has gone on, I am sure that I don't do that.

So, take a step back. Try to only do one thing at a time and really give it your full attention. It will probably turn out better. You may feel more involved and connected to it and find that you get more out of it. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 148 Intention ~ Work, Rest, Work, Rest...

Day 148 Intention ~ Work, Rest, Work, Rest...

Apparently I am pretty exhausted from all the excitement of the holiday weekend & am finding that I've needed to switch from work to rest, back to work and then rest again all day long. 
I suppose this could lead into a discussion about balance in one's life or listening to what my body is requesting, but the reality is, I have work to do, but I'm tired. Therefore, instead of work and play, today, it is work and short shifts for each. 

Sorry, but that is it for today! 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 147 Intention ~ Remember & Appreciate

Day 147 Intention ~ Remember & Appreciate

Memorial Day 2013. 
Although I am an avid believer in peace & peaceful resolutions to problems, I still can appreciate the freedoms that we enjoy here in this country and recognize the men & women who have fought so that we have these freedoms. 

With my father and my uncles, even 2 of my brothers having been in the military, I feel lucky to not have lost them in any wars or while they were performing their duties. I feel for the families that have lost their loved ones. I am grateful for all of their service whether at war or not. I wish, perhaps naively, for a time that we wouldn't need this, but know that that won't happen. 

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." ~Jimi Hendrix

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 146 Intention ~ Hug & Love My Family

Day 146 Intention ~ Hug & Love My Family

So, one of the benefits of picking my niece up is that I also get to see my brother, Pete, my sister in-law, Ann, my other niece, Katherine and my parents. When Allison and I drive back to Rochester to drop her off, I will get to visit with them all and give them big squeezes! 

I moved back to Ohio from out West so that I could see my family more. I still don't feel like I see them that much, but I do appreciate that I get to see them somewhat more. So, I want to let them know I love them & look forward to seeing them again in the near future. 

And, of course, when I return home, I will give my hubby the biggest squeeze of all for being cool with me going off on my adventure. 

Love your family!!

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 145 Intention ~ Let It Loose

Day 145 Intention ~ Let It Loose

Yep, this is one of those days that doesn't come around very often & probably won't again for this particular occasion. Today, I am driving to Toronto with my niece, Allison, to meet up with great friends and go see THE ROLLING STONES!!!

Now, I know they're gettin' old and they don't rock it out quite as hard as they used to, but nevertheless, they are rock royalty and their shows are an event in and of themselves. I have loved them since I was 10 years old and I still get giddy at the idea of going to see them live. The fact that I get to take my 23 year old to see them for the first time just makes it even better. 

I am so so grateful to my good friends Jen & Tanya for giving me this gift and to my friend Z for handling the ticket ordering. Otherwise, I wouldn't be going.

So, today I am going to soak it all in, celebrate & let it loose!

Til tomorrow...



Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 144 Intention ~ Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Day 144 Intention ~ Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

There are times when I get worked up over something that, really, in the whole scheme of things, is just not a big deal. 
There are many factors that can lead to this reaction: lack of sleep, if I ate junk food, if I have pms or an argument with someone I love, and many many more. 

Last night, I had one of these moments. I got myself worked up over a little thing because I was overtired and didn't want to be inconvenienced. 

In the light of day, all is fine and everything has worked out. But, I still really don't like when I react that way to things. When it does happen, it means it's time for me to take a step back and really think about what's going on around me. It's usually something else bothering me or causing me to feel frustrated. 

So, think before you react. And really, don't sweat the small stuff! It's never worth it. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 143 Intention ~ Live Presently

Day 143 Intention ~ Live Presently

"Be here now", as Ram Dass would say, but he's right. We spend so much time trying to plan our coming days or wallowing in past events that we forget to enjoy the now. Right at this moment. Find contentment. Find peace.

Earlier in the week on my Facebook page, I posted a quote of the day from some other page that quoted Lao Tzu, "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." 

It's normal. But, just stop right now as you are reading this and enjoy this...present...moment...and exhale. :)

Presently saying til tomorrow...



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 142 Intention ~ Take My Own Advice

Day 142 Intention ~ Take My Own Advice

I am constantly going on about practice, practice, practice...and meditation and being present and so on and so on. As I wallow in my little funk I've been in, although, I have accepted it for what it is, I simultaneously kind of stopped my practice. 

Hmmm. Connection? No practice = tamasic funk? 

Seems likely. 

Sure, I still drink my green drinks and eat vegan. I pretend in my mind that because I demo a couple of poses during class, that I am practicing my asana practice. (I know my meditation & breathing practice has fallen to the wayside- at least I don't lie to myself about that!) 

But, no wonder I haven't been feeling my normal chipper self!

So, today, and the rest of my days ahead, I will follow my own advice to those around me and practice, practice, practice. 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 141 Intention ~ Go With The Cycle

Day 141 Intention ~ Go With the Cycle

If you were on this blog last week, you may recall the discussion over the gunas & how they move in cycles.
Yep, today is just a reminder of that for myself. 

As I sluggishly moved from class to work, pretty apathetic towards the world around me...just trying to get through it, I remembered that whole blog I wrote about the cycles of the gunas and how we need each one. Well, I'm trying to go with the cycle, but am really hoping that rajas guna kicks in pretty quick over here! 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 140 Intention ~ Think Before You Speak

Day 140 Intention ~ Think Before You Speak

One of the great things about yoga practice for me is that I have become much less reactionary. The breath work, the calmness, just living in a more connected way has helped me pause before just blurting out whatever is on my mind. 

Lots of times we say things we don't mean in a self-defense reactionary impulse. Often we hurt those we are speaking to when we really don't even mean what we are saying. When we take a moment to pause before making a statement (for a long or a short period of time), we can react calmly saying things in a clear manner that isn't hurtful. 

Today, my goal is to remember that pause. Think before I speak and be sure to not blurt out things that I don't mean...especially if it is something hurtful. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 139 Intention - Take a Smartphone Break

Day 139 Intention - Take a Smartphone Break

Sure, it wasn't my intention when I woke up this morning, it was nice to not even pick up my phone or look at emails or Facebook until 7:30 at night.

The break made me feel a little more interested in what was going on out in the world than when I check my phone every few minutes. 

I spoke to a parenting expert earlier in the week for an article I was writing and she expressed her concern with kids and all of their smartphones and games and t.v., etc. and her fear that they weren't going to learn the skill of conversation. How to actually talk to people. Heck, abbreviating words doesn't help childrens spelling skills either. 

For me, it allowed me to keep my head clear without constant stimulation. This allowed me to truly clear the mind, not answering emails and texts immediately.

You should give it a shot someday and see how it makes you feel. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 138 Intention ~ Try Something New

Day 138 Intention ~ Try Something New

A couple days ago, my husband's horoscope said to go on an adventure. Try something new or go someplace you've never been. There are many ways to interpret this, but he wants to try a restaurant that he's never been to before. 
We were set to go on this adventure Thursday evening after my class. He dropped me off, he would pick me up afterwards and off we would go. 

By the time my class was over, he had lost his steam. So, being the 40 somethings that we are, we decided to reschedule for tonight. 

Although, the horoscope is really for him, we both are going someplace new. It's exciting to find some new and different stimulus and to check out places around town. Get a feel for other local places, meet new people and have some fun where we live...together. 

People get so bogged down in their daily lives that they sometimes need to reconnect. 

I am looking forward to trying something new & maybe even after all these years, discovering something new about my husband. 

Til tomorrow...



Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 137 Intention ~ Ride My Bike to Work

Day 137 Intention ~ Ride My Bike to Work

Well, at least to my first workplace. Not gonna lie, riding from Cleveland Hts to Berea is not going to happen today, but at least I rode to my morning class. 

So many great reasons to ride your bike instead of driving!! 
For me, the fresh air and exercise are great, but also saving the gas and the miles on my 231,000 mile Subaru is helpful. 
And the environmental reasons are fabulous too! Getting one less car on the road is my small way to help today and practice ahimsa, or non-harming, towards Mother Nature. :)

I wish everyone a happy Friday! TGIF

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 136 Intention ~ Accept The Funk

Day 136 Intention ~ Accept the Funk

No, I'm not talking about George Clinton or Sly Stone, I'm talking about my mood and how I've been feeling the last few days. I've been reading Richard Freeman's book, The Mirror of Yoga, for awhile now. I savor each page and try to soak it all in. I only read it right before I go to bed, which I tend to go to bed when my eyes are struggling to stay open. Therefore, I only get 2-3 pages in a night. 

So, as yoga lessons always go, Monday night when I was noticing how uninspired I had been feeling, I open up my book before sleep to Richard Freeman talking about the gunas: sattva, rajas & tamas. He discusses how we need all three qualities to live and that they all give us balance in this world. 

Sattva, of course, is the most desired by people. It is when we feel we are most balanced, harmonic, smart, peaceful and happy. And that was how I was feeling just last week! It was fantastic. 

Rajas gives us our energy, passion, desire, motion and sorrow. It can definitely help us to motivate...perhaps when we are feeling tamasic.

Tamas is sluggishness, depression, laziness, dullness and inertia. This is what I was starting to feel take over my body. Ugh. But then I read on...

"When we are first in a sattvic mood our perceptions are clear and bright. The feelings of joy, love, compassion, empathy are right up near the surface of our awareness, and virtually everything we experience stimulates one of these "good" and satisfying feelings. Consequently we behave ,think, and react in ways that reflect this sattvic state of being. But after some time spent in a sattvic mood - and it can be a long or a very short period of time - we become desensitized to the joyful stimulation of the sattvic state, and usually without even being aware of it, we reduce the good state to a formula or image and begin to drift off into a state of complacency, dullness, boredom, and inertia; the state of tamas sets in." 

                                                                                    ~Richard Freeman, The Mirror of Yoga, p. 81

He goes on to say that eventually rajas kicks in, motivating us to do things and find our way back to that sattvic state. 
Once I read that, I realized that my own tamasic, dull state would pass, and not to lull in it too much. I (and we all) need it to appreciate those peaceful, harmonious moments when we are sattvic. 
By this morning, my tamas has seemed to kick back into rajas and I am looking forward to finding my sattva! 

So, just trying to accept whatever is going on with you at each moment. And realizing, nothing is permanent...even if you're in a funk.

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 135 Intention ~ Pull the Weeds

Day 135 Intention ~ Pull the Weeds

Out of my mind! Sure, there's weeds outside too, but today, I am just trying to find some clarity. Too many things have been yanking my brain one way & then another these days and focus has been a struggle. Hence, yesterday's post about not being able to stay in savasana lately. 

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, one of the limbs of the yogic path is dharana. A single-pointed focus. Trying to focus on one thing, it could be a mantra or an image, helps bring clarity. This then leads to the next limb, dhyana, when one actually is meditating. Dharana is a great place to start, along with the breath to bring my mind back to me and "pull some of these weeds."

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 134 Intention ~ Stay in Savasana

Day 134 Intention ~ Stay in Savasana

There's always those people in class, you know the ones, they bolt as soon as the class goes into savasana, also known as corpse pose. I would think to myself, "They're missing the best part!" and go on to my own corpse pose. 
I was taught in teacher training, or at least in the Jivamukti portion, to keep students in savasana for at least 10 minutes. I thought that was fantastic. 

When I first started teaching, especially if I was teaching a 90 minute class, I would always give my students a 90 minute savasana. If they were the darting open eye type, I would be sure to place eye pillows over their eyes to help them draw inward. 

These days, I find my savasana's getting shorter and shorter. Not only in the classes I teach, but in my own personal practice. I am finding that I don't want to run over time in my classes and make my students late for whatever is next on their schedule for the day. For my own practice, I find myself getting restless. Today, I tried to lay there for 10 minutes and could only make it for four. Four minutes!! That is crazy. 

Savasana is so important to help relax the body and allow it to rest after the asana practice. It allows us to go inward and find stillness. This allows us to easily float into meditation. It also allows us to have a "rebirth" after each practice into the new person we are that day, physically, spiritually, mentally & emotionally. Savasana is not to be skipped and preferably not shortened. 

Til tomorrow...



Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 133 Intention ~ Sit Tight

Day 133 Intention ~ Sit Tight

Breathe, find some patience. We are awaiting some news that could be very exciting, but we are now playing the waiting game. We have put ourselves out there and done what we can for now, but the hard part is the waiting (Tom Petty was right!!)

So, instead of getting anxious or trying to force something that needs to happen organically, I am going to settle in and sit tight. My husband & I will prepare as if it is happening, but not get too anxious or overexcited as it may not. 

I apologize for the vagueness of this post, but that's where I am at today. So, being true to myself and to you...namaste. 
I will continue to have faith. 

Til tomorrow...



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 132 Intention ~ Review the Niyamas

Day 132 Intention ~ Review the Niyamas

We can all use a refresher course when it comes to the yoga teachings. Patanjali's eight limbed path of yoga is the logical place to start. We went through the yamas a little bit the other day, but today, to continue applying my practice off the mat, I would like to review the niyamas or observances to practice daily also. 

There are five niyamas:

  • Saucha ~ cleanliness or purity
  • Samtosha ~ contentment
  • Tapah ~ accepting pain and not causing pain
  • Svadhyaya ~ study of spiritual books and Self
  • Isvarapranidhana ~ worship of God, self-surrender
Saucha most obviously can be practiced through physical cleanliness and scrubbing of oneself. We should be clean before we practice any of the eight limbs, including asana. The tougher part of this is purity and cleanliness of the mind. Staying away from negative thoughts or saying dirty words, etc. can help purify the mind. So can meditation practice. Especially in this day and age when there is so much media coming at us from all different directions, keeping things positive is tough. Try to listen to uplifting music, watch positive movies or shows, read uplifting books. 

Samtosha is finding contentment with whatever is going on around you. Accepting the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. Keeping a level head. Not being reactionary. It doesn't mean that you don't feel, but you take whatever comes your way with grace. 

Tapas means "to burn". Physically, we cleanse the body through the physical practice, burning the toxins out. We can eat a healthy, clean and green diet to help the process move more efficiently. We practice tapas in our mind when we let go of our ideas of things...when we change our perspective and let our minds (and our hearts) open. Sri Swami Satchidananda says that "Don't think that if someone causes us pain they hate us, but rather that they are helping us to purify ourselves. If we can think like this, we are real Yogis."

Svadhyaya is spiritual study and study of the Self. Studying the scriptures, whether it is in the Bible, the Torah, The Puranas, or The Bhagavad Gita, whatever your religion or spiritual belief or path, you will get closer to God and to your own personal sadhana. 

The last of the niyamas is Isvarapranidhana and it is total surrender to God. It is giving everything up to God. Give everything you do up to God. Giving our lives to help others is isvarapranidhana. Once we can give it all up, we don't possess anything anymore and therefore no longer have worry. We know that God will take care of us. Peace and joy will come to those who give it all up to God and to humanity. With this samadhi will come. 

Til tomorrow...



Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 131 Intention ~ Be Okay With It

Day 131 Intention ~ Be Okay With It

I'll admit, today I am tired. Today's intention is about me being okay with having a lazy day...including in this blog. 
I often feel guilty if I am not being productive or doing something all of the time, but the reality is, it is more important to listen to what my body, mind & spirit are telling me. Today, that is to chill out.

Tomorrow, we can contemplate the niyamas and bringing them to our lives, but for this chilly evening, I am going to enjoy my family and watch a movie, snuggled on the couch. 


Til tomorrow...



Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 130 Intention ~ Practice Yoga Off the Mat

Day 130 Intention ~ Practice Yoga Off the Mat

I've been thinking about my yoga practice a lot lately. Although, I do some practice off the mat, when I really think about the eight limbs of yoga in Patanjali's yoga sutras, I try to think about adapting them to my daily life. 

How much are we all really practicing? 

For review, the eight limbs taken straight from my Yoga Sutra book translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda:

  • yama (abstinence)
  • niyama (observance)
  • asana (posture)
  • pranayama (breath control)
  • pratyahara (sense withdrawal)
  • dharana (concentration)
  • dhyana (meditation)
  • samadhi (contemplation, absorption, or superconscious state)

To really bring consciousness to my practice off the mat (most of us already get the third limb asana), I will start with the yamas today. This first limb has five parts to it and these are all things that we should abstain from in our behavior. 

The five parts of the yamas: 

  • ahimsa: non-harming
  • satya: truthfulness
  • asteya: non-stealing
  • brahmacharya: continence
  • aparigraha: non-greed
As far as ahimsa goes, I eat a vegan diet so as not to harm animals and be a little less harmful to the environment. I try to be environmentally responsible when possible. And I also try not to harm others with my words, thoughts and actions.

Satya, that is easy. I try to tell the truth at all myself also! Don't get me wrong, if the truth is a mean statement, I most likely don't say anything at all. 

Asteya, or non-stealing. This one seems pretty straight forward and easy. Don't steal! Even if it's a pen from work or stealing time from others. 

Brahmacharya: continence. Well, in the Western world we translate this into moderation. Live in moderation. I try to do this, although, sometimes when there's a bag of Terra sweet potato chips in front of me, forget about it! :)

Lastly, aparigraha, non-greed: just take what you need. (see last paragraph, I try!) Whether it's shoes, food, time, love, whatever it is, don't hoard it. If you have enough, save some for the rest. The less "stuff" you have, the clearer your mind can be. Less clutter.

So, there's my list to start working on! Just becoming more conscious of these things (we'll go through some of the other eight limbs in future days), can help us actually live our yoga. 

Til tomorrow...



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 129 Intention ~ Practice Outside

Day 129 Intention ~ Practice Outside (finally!)

There is a little strip in my yard that my neighbors can't really see me when everything is in full bloom. My Rose of Sharon offer a lovely natural privacy wall, but they are not quite there yet. Regardless of that, it was wonderful to head over to my little strip this afternoon and practice. 

At the beginning of the year, I made an intention to myself to practice everyday this year, even if it is just a little bit. I've been pretty good about it, but have slacked a tad bit as of late for various reasons. So today, I am back! 

There is something special about breathing outdoors (even with all the pollen floating around thanks to my new spirulina regimen) and getting back in touch with nature. Sure the flow isn't quite as graceful on a lawn with different lumps and bumps all around, but it is what it is. Practicing arm balances become a little less frightening when you have soft smushy grass underneath you. I enjoyed letting birds and lawn mowers be my playlist as I flowed from pose to pose and even as I wasn't afraid to flip right over when attempting to stick pincha mayurasana (a.k.a. forearm stand). 

It's also just nice to change your "work" space sometimes. Even in yoga studios, students tend to always place their mat in the same spot...attaching themselves to that space. It's better to move around, be open, and it may even change your perspective on the class or on your practice. 

I hope that you all get to practice today & are having an amazingly beautiful day like we are here in good ol' Cleveland! 

Til tomorrow...



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 128 Intention ~ Make Yoga Accessible

Day 128 Intention ~ Make Yoga Accessible

I often say that I believe there is a yoga class out there for every single person and I believe that. Today, I am teaching mini classes at a juvenile detention center wellness fair. These workers are overstressed and from what I saw, generally out of shape. Although I tried to convince them to try yoga on a mat, most were uncomfortable with that idea, so I held a chair yoga class with them. We started with some simple pranayama and I wonder if it's the first time any of them have witnessed their breath (at least in quite a long time). It felt good to help them open up a little bit and realize that even stretching on a chair would feel good. 

Next, to my seniors class. These folks have to move very slowly and have many issues, bad knees, hip replacements, and just general years of not doing anything. We move in a slow, gentle way and allow them to feel themselves opening back up. Some work from a mat, others from a chair, but they all feel good afterwards.

Tonight is my younger bunch. My vinyasa flow folks, who like to feel "worked out" from class. 

I feel blessed to be able to bring yoga to all sorts of people and age groups. I cannot stress enough, that if you went to a class and didn't feel like it was right for you, check out another one with a different teacher or a different style. There is a class for you out there, you just have to keep looking. Once you find it, it will change your life! 

Til tomorrow...



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 127 Intention ~ Take a Quiet Moment

Day 127 Intention ~ Take a Quiet Moment

...for yourself. We all can get so wrapped up in doing the 3000 things on our "to do" list, that we forget to take a few moments to ourselves. Turn off, okay, maybe just step away from, the phone, turn off the radio, computer, television and any other outside distractions and just sit for a few moments. 
It's unbelievable how just this small action can help one feel rejuvenated and a bit fresher. Ready to tackle the next things on the list. 

Sit and listen to the birds or close your eyes and use your sense of smell. Maybe there is coffee brewing or you can smell the lilacs that are in bloom. 

Just breathing is another great refresher. Try to clear the mind and take a small meditation. Focus on your ajna chakra, or third eye, as you breathe in and out. The mind will start to clear and you will actually feel like you got a short rest when you are through. 

If we allow ourselves some moments to ourselves, especially when we spend much of our day taking care of tasks generally for others, we will find that we are calmer, have a clearer mind and even more energy. 

Til tomorrow...

