Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 129 Intention ~ Practice Outside

Day 129 Intention ~ Practice Outside (finally!)

There is a little strip in my yard that my neighbors can't really see me when everything is in full bloom. My Rose of Sharon offer a lovely natural privacy wall, but they are not quite there yet. Regardless of that, it was wonderful to head over to my little strip this afternoon and practice. 

At the beginning of the year, I made an intention to myself to practice everyday this year, even if it is just a little bit. I've been pretty good about it, but have slacked a tad bit as of late for various reasons. So today, I am back! 

There is something special about breathing outdoors (even with all the pollen floating around thanks to my new spirulina regimen) and getting back in touch with nature. Sure the flow isn't quite as graceful on a lawn with different lumps and bumps all around, but it is what it is. Practicing arm balances become a little less frightening when you have soft smushy grass underneath you. I enjoyed letting birds and lawn mowers be my playlist as I flowed from pose to pose and even as I wasn't afraid to flip right over when attempting to stick pincha mayurasana (a.k.a. forearm stand). 

It's also just nice to change your "work" space sometimes. Even in yoga studios, students tend to always place their mat in the same spot...attaching themselves to that space. It's better to move around, be open, and it may even change your perspective on the class or on your practice. 

I hope that you all get to practice today & are having an amazingly beautiful day like we are here in good ol' Cleveland! 

Til tomorrow...



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