Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 81 Intention ~ Reconnect With Myself

Day 81 Intention ~ Reconnect with Myself

A.k.a. have a night to myself. Unfortunately, my husband drove to Indiana today to attend his aunt's funeral. I was unable to make the trek out of town with him. Although it is a sad situation, I am trying to make the most of it. 

At first, I had a big list of all of the chores I wanted to get done while I had the house to myself...and yes, I did a few of them. But now, I just want to savor a little bit of space and time to myself. Of course I miss my husband, but I am never alone when I can just relax and not have to run off anywhere for the rest of the evening. I can listen to what I want, watch what I what I want! Not that I can't do that other times, but when someone else is around, there's more discussion to find a common ground on what is happening. 

It's important for everyone to reconnect with their own thoughts and feelings from time to time...or just plain relax without having to worry about anybody else. 

Til tomorrow...



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